Chapter 7 - Cooling it Off with some Dessert

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Eventually, they carry on with the rest of their meals before they clean up their plates and reside in the living room. From there, they wait for Fluttershy to return, who volunteered to check on Rarity and see if there is any way for the sweet Pegasus mare to help out her Unicorn friend from her recent troubles with her fiancée, Applejack, who is currently outside venting out her frustration through applebucking.

Sooner or later, Fluttershy slowly walks down the stairs and joins the rest of the ponies before Rainbow Dash flies up to her and asks, "Any luck yet, Fluttershy?"

Sadly, she shakes her head and answers softly, "Sigh... no. She's just too upset to come out right now."

"You don't think the wedding is going to be off now, do you?" Sweetie Belle asks with worry.

Granny Smith, who is sitting with the three Cutie Mark Crusaders on the same sofa, reassures the Unicorn filly as she gently strokes her pink-and-violet curly mane, "Now don't you fret for nothing, Sweetie Belle. It's only natural for couples to argue like that sometimes. Applejack just needs to let off some steam, that's all."

Unable to sit still and do nothing, Ford Mustang gets himself off the couch and heads toward the door while declaring out loud, "That's it. I'm going to talk to her."

Despite his big size, Big Mac hurries at breakneck speed to block Mustang from exiting the house as he states in a steadfast yet gentle voice, "Ehh... nnnope. Ah wouldn't recommend that, Ford."

"Why not?" the blue Pegasus asks to the equally tall stallion.

"Just listen and you'll see what Ah mean." Big Mac responds as he directs him to the door. From pressing his ear against the wooden surface, he can hear the soft, rhythmic sounds that are like distant thunder. Assuming that's Applejack outside applebucking with all of her might, Ford cringes on that thought as the red farmpony boldly points it out , "That's why."

Shaking those fears aside, Mustang goes around the other stallion and declares once more, "I'm still going outside."

But as he touches the door's handle, Rainbow flies up to her husband and insists greatly, "Wait, at least let me come with you!"

Granny steps forward and advises against that idea, "Uhh, sugarcube... Ah think it would best if he would take care of this himself."

"What makes you say that?" Rainbow Dash inquires.

With a raised eyebrow, she cautions the younger mare, "Need Ah remind you about your snippy remarks earlier?"

From that stern reminder, Rainbow droops her head in a sheepish manner, "Oh... right."

"I'll be fine, Rainbow." he reassures his wife with a determined grin as he warmly kisses her on the cheek. "I handled a great evil once, so I think I can handle just one mare on my own."

But once he steps outside after opening the door, he stops in place as he cringes lightly on how bad his confrontation with Applejack could get before he mutters to himself, "Gulp... I hope."
Out in the cool, crisp air of Sweet Apple Acres, Ford Mustang flies and weaves through the apple orchards as the sounds of Applejack's thunderous bucking gets louder and louder. At the sight of the hardworking farmpony, the Pegasus makes a delicate landing before he gingerly approaches his preoccupied friend.

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