Chapter 12 - What Dreams May Come To

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Seven Months and One Week Remaining...

~ Mid of November (15th Week) ~

Once again, he tries to get a goodnight's sleep.
Once again, he has to face that same never-ending nightmare.

Once again, he has to hear those horrifying screams and the infernal beeping sound.

Once again, he has to relive the death of his loved one.

And once again, he wakes abruptly in the middle of the night to escape that traumatizing dream.

Despite his once-again, rude awakening, Ford Mustang has managed to keep his voice down without disturbing his sleeping wife, Rainbow Dash.

It's been two weeks since the first time he had that dream, and he's never been able to escape from its haunting imagery and almost realistic sounds. Quiet as a mouse, he excuses himself from the bedroom and hovers downstairs to get another cup of tea.

Once he is in the kitchen, Ford gets his bag of tea that Apple Bloom and Zecora offered to him a week ago and prepares his late-night beverage. With no need for a tea kettle since its whistling will most likely wake up Rainbow Dash, he breathes out a steady flicker of golden fire to heat up his cup of water before dunking a filter cup that holds his herbal tea leaves. Of course, No matter how much tea he drinks, before or after his sleep, it didn't help him overcome that waking nightmare. But at the very least, it will give him some time to reflect on this while savoring the hot beverage's soothing flavor.

With his tea ready, he takes gradual sips of it while sitting at the kitchen's table as he contemplates on how he can end this recurring nightmare once and for all. Seeing how he can't get rid of the nightmares on his own, he figures that he needs to turn to someone else for aid this time. The only question is who should he turn to first? Although one thing's for certain: he can't drag Rainbow into this mess since this may startle her just as much as it did to him.

And he surely didn't want make things more complicated for her especially when she's the one carrying twin foals.

After drinking some more tea, a perfect candidate finally comes to mind. Immediately, he reaches for a sheet of parchment and an enchanted ribbon from a drawer nearby and places them right before him.

Once he gives it some careful thought on what he intends to write on there, he sets the tip of the inked quill on top of the paper and begins his hoof-writing by inscribing the letter's introduction.

Dear Princess Twilight...
The following morning, Rainbow wakes up at her usual time with a big yawn and a nice stretch, but once again, her husband is not beside her in bed.

After sighing in disappointment, she notices how Ford's pillow cloud is way damper than usual. From examining it closely, she takes a quick whiff of the pillow and recognizes it as Ford's sweat. She starts to wonder if Ford has been having some bad dreams lately, which may be the cause of his restlessness.

Overtime, she's being piecing it all together since the previous week regarding with her husband's strange behavior. She's been trying to be patient with him and not let her hotheadedness get the best of her, but being left out of the loop like this is starting to make her worry, both for herself and for Mustang's sake.

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