Chapter 5 - Dinner for Two

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Nine Months Remaining...
~ Late of September (8th Week) ~

For the next month, Rainbow Dash has been enjoying the easy life with her extensive break on her maternity leave, thanks to one of the many benefits of being a Wonderbolt. She gets to sleep as long as want, spend as much time with her friends, and more importantly, be in the company of her ever devoted husband.

But despite having as much free time as she wants, this afternoon is incredibly boring today. She doesn't feel like taking a nap as of now since she had plenty of sleep in the past month. She can't recall any one of her friends that she needs to visit right now. And to her slight disappointment, Ford Mustang is out of town helping out the weatherponies when they are in desperate need for volunteers. Normally, she would happily assist the weather team as well, but she and Ford both know that she didn't want to do any strenuous to herself, especially when she is pregnant by two months at this point.

So as of now, she's just lying on the fluffy couch as she is waiting out the time until her husband comes back home. Normally, she would read a book in the meantime, and there are plenty of choices to choose from. But to her surprise, she's not in a mood for any "Daring Do" books. And as for the baby and parenting books they rented from the Golden Oaks Library, she would usually read them alongside Ford so they can interpret the context together. So without him around, reading these kind of books seem like a chore to her.

"Gah! I never thought I would say this, but lounging around is SO boring!" she grips out loud. "And it sucks even more so without Mustang keeping me company!"

While the impatient mare lies back on the couch, her loyal pet, Tank, hovers above her with the use of his magic-propelled helicopter rotor that's strapped to his shell before he gently lands on top of Rainbow's slight baby bump. Once she notices the tortoise's presence, she breaks into an amusing smile before she kindly pats him on the head.

"Well at least I still have you, Tank."

After receiving a soft croak of appreciation from the smiling tortoise, Rainbow reclines on her couch to stare at the ceiling as she muses to herself, "There's gotta be something I can do in the meantime. But what?"

Looking for someway to help his owner, Tank steadily bends his long neck to look around and his beady eyes lock on to the bookshelf nearby. With Rainbow Dash distracted, Tank hovers off of his cushy spot to fly toward the books before he slowly grabs one with his strong jaws and pulls it off its shelf. With the book firmly secured, he hovers back to Rainbow and lands softly on her furry belly.

"Whatcha got there, buddy?" she asks once the tortoise gets her attention.

Using her hooves, she grabs the book from her devoted pet and reads the cover for herself while reminiscing with a smile, "Hey, look at that. This is the cookbook that Fluttershy gave me for my birthday last year. Heh, I rarely had a chance to try these recipes myself."

Then, a stroke of genius enters her mind before she gasps with a huge smile, "Wait, that's it! Tank, you're a genius!" she compliments him while rewarding him with some nose rubbing before going over her plan with an extensive grin. "While Mustang is away, I can take charge of tonight's dinner! Granted, I haven't touched the stove in a very long time... but that doesn't mean I've lost my touch when it comes to cooking! Heck yeah! This will be my perfect chance to show off my awesome cooking skills!"

Highly motivated by this idea, she opens the cookbook while musing to herself, "Now what to choose...?"

After looking through several pages under the "entrée" section, she stops at one page and smiles with approval, "Hey, this looks good enough. 'Sautéed Asparagus, Onions, and Peppers.' Yeah, this should definitely be a cinch." But after making her first choice, she displays a blank expression while pondering to herself, "But I should definitely add something more hardcore in return. Something that will really blow Ford's mind with pure awesomeness!"

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