The Hate Underneath (2017)

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The spray of water
As two dragons attack
One on either end
Their eyes echoing hate
They lunge at each other
Their serpentine bodies thrashing below the surface
"I will win," says one
"No, I will," says the other

The smaller makes a dash at its opponent's belly
To be met with a blow at the arm
Purple bruises spill
Tracing the wounds of hate

And to think that these are friends
Friends who fight side by side,
Sit together during cold nights,
And even comfort the other when tears fall
So quickly, quickly pain rips through hearts
Engulfing senses and absorbing love
Leaving one with only hate

A noise above the water
The scene shifts
Dragons transform
To two girls, sisters
Black hair slimed with water
Hands clenched in fists
Glaring at each other on either end of the pool

A father
Their father, they quickly recall
Stands at the edge of danger
Oblivious to the hate swirling underneath
All he sees are his daughters
Swimming in the pool down low

Thank you for reading! If you like my poem, please don't be afraid to give it a vote. Comments are always welcome and I love hearing your thoughts. Question: Did you suspect that the two dragons were actually two sisters play-fighting?

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