Mina Sicalc (2021)

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I know I can dance

I know my feet can glide through the air

My fingers, positioned and light

My hair, black and curly, hugging my head

I know the soft, yet sturdy feel of ballet slippers

Embracing rough feet

I know what it's like after a long day to find solace

In pliés, relevés, and élancés

I know all of this because I am Mina Sicalc




But what do I not know?

I crave for the wind to drag me away

To express hope in rippling lakes

To be alone, but not alone

To be a part of a whole

I cry to be seen

Not on a wooden beam

But on a grassy slope

Watching the sunrise croak

I ache to fly, to travel

To see what secrets unravel

To dive into frosty waves

Not knowing if it'll be okay

Yes, I can dance

Yes, I love when I prance

Yet, I know I have more places to walk

Afterall, I am Mina Sicalc

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