"Yeah! That sounds great!" Luffy exclaimed. "shiheehee! Lucy and Natsu work together well anyways!"

Zoro fell over, his jaw open in anguish.

"Hey Zoro! You okay?" said Mikoto, looking concerned.

"N-nope... n-nothing.."

"Oh.." said Mikoto, raising an eyebrow. "Okay then.."

"The next challenge shall now be announced.." the god Skea appeared, walking out from behind the archway, smiling. "Now.. this one's going to be quite, interesting.. this is going to be a giant chess game.."

"Chess? Oh.. I do appreciate a game of Chess." said Death the Kid. "The board is in perfect symmetry.. exactly the same number of pieces on both sides.. each piece facing the opposite piece.. all in perfect symmetry.."

"Uhh.. kid?" said Liz. "You do know that the eventually the pieces have to move right?"

"But they do move exactly the same on both sides right?" said Kid.

"Then how the hell does anybody win?"

"Now.. all of your teams will be separated into two groups, where you will take the place of chess pieces on the board." said Skea. 

"Like Harry Potter." said Mikoto.

"Hairy Pot Smoker?" said Goku from a little ways away. "Hey Piccolo, what's that?"

"Uhh... nothing you need to think about." said Piccolo. 

"Each team is only allowed to choose one member to replace a chess piece.. " said Skea. "And one team will be designated as Captain which will get to pick one member to tell the pieces where to move.. in other words.. the Chess Player... For each and every knock out of a Chess Piece, Diablo Grimace.. our lovely statue.. will gain a point.. and your team will gain 10 points.. if you knock out a competitor substituting as a piece.. 20 points.. if your side gains a checkmate.. you'll get 40 points for each team that won.."

"Hmm.. most exquisite." said Hisoka, smiling. "A battle based on brains and teamwork.. "

"Now each Chess square is a patch of terrain 2 miles wide.." said Skea. "So I suggest you don't pick slow moving team members...  Now.. the matchup is thus.. Teams Zen-Oh all the way to Wrathas gain Black... while Teams Goros to Natha are on the White side of the field..."

"That puts us against each other!" said Goku, grinning and waving at Mikoto. "Can't wait to-."

"No.." said Vegeta. "We agreed Kakarot.. on who would go next."


A strange individual stepped forward. He was alien of course. he had a bald purple head with a serious looking face filled with calm.. he wore a dark gray armored coat, with his hands put casually in his pockets, and was taller than even Goku..

 he wore a dark gray armored coat, with his hands put casually in his pockets, and was taller than even Goku

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A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now