Chapter 28

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Bella POV

We looked around the room at everyone laughing and drinking. They were excited to kill me in the most painful way possible. They want to kill me and they don't even know I'm here. If our cover gets blown, I'm done for.
     "Don't worry about it, Bell." Eggsy's grip on my hand tightened. "We know about this now so we can stop it before they do anything."
      "Eggsy, the fortune teller lady said I would die a gruesome death."
     "She also said that it could be preventable. And we will prevent it."
     "You're going to be fine, Bella. Now let's go get a drink."
      He leads be towards the bar where we each grab a glass of champagne and sit on the bar stools.
     "I'm scared."
     "You shouldn't be. You'll survive, I promise."
I rolled my eyes. He can't guarantee me anything. I could die right now.
Then, Richard stood on a platform in the front of the room with a microphone in hand.
"Good evening." He spoke. "As you all know, Kingsman is one of the most powerful agencies in the world. That's not including their newest agent, Bella Hart." Multiple sounds of unhappiness were heard throughout the crowd. That was a change in mood. "I know. Now, with her being there, the Kingsman agents will have extreme power over us and every other agency you may represent. She is their biggest weapon right now. Her ability to understand things we normally can't has made her very useful. That is why we must get rid of her. And so the Kingsman agents won't think to take revenge, we must make it painful to watch. The technology we'll need to broadcast this is expensive and the money has been donated by Jonah and Sandra Levinson." A spotlight shines on Eggsy and I, blinding us both. How they don't know it's me is beyond me.
      Cheers were heard around the room as people started cheering. I don't understand why they are so set on killing me. I'm smart, get over it.
      "Thank you both so much. Your money is in good hands and we promise to succeed." Richard finished and walked off the platform.
      What a freak.
     "You must feel pretty special right now."
"I actually feel really sick to my stomach right now."
"Well, you shouldn't because we will in fact stop them."
"Yep." I breathed out and took a look around the room. All these people wanted me dead.
"Stop thinking about it, it'll only make it worse." Eggsy scolded.
"Jonah!" Someone yelled from behind us. Eggsy didn't turn around though because he's not used to being called that. "Jonah!"
I elbowed Eggsy and he chocked on his drink a bit before turning around with a smile on his face.
"I heard you arrived a few minutes ago." A beautiful woman stood in front of us with a smile.
"That we did." Eggsy replied.
"Normally the guests of honor arrive early on, not an hour into the party."
"Well, we're not your average guests of honor I guess."
"I guess so. You know, I don't remember you having glasses?"
"Fairly new, actually. And they make me look smart, so that's a plus."
"You don't know who I am do you?"
"Excuse me?"
Just then she threw her glass of alcohol in his face before taking a pen out of her bra and zapping him in the neck. Eggsy fell to the floor groaning.
The woman kicked lipstick tube from Merlin out of my hand and ripped off my wig revealing me to everyone.
"Sandra Levinson, are you?"

      "Sandra Levinson, are you?"

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