Chapter 15

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Bella POV

Eggsy stays like that until the song's over and he pulls away reluctantly.
"I don't know if I can train you if you aren't mine." He speaks lowly.
"You can't be serious, Eggsy. We've been training for so long, why stop and have your feelings control you now?" I asked.
"Seeing you in this dress is too much."
"So my looks are the reason, yeah?"
"No, you always look amazing," He sighs. "I don't know, Bell."
I start getting frustrated with how he's acting.
"I don't know what you want from me, Eggsy. We've done so well and now you're gonna leave."
"I would never leave you, Bell."
"It looks like you're doing that now, Eggsy."
He sighs again as another song starts to play, this one being upbeat.
"You're my friend, Eggsy. C'mon."
"I want to be more than that, Bella."
"Fucking hell, Eggsy. Did you hear me before? I said no. If I change my mind, I'll tell you. It's not hard to understand."
He goes to object, but decided against it. "You're right, I'll stop." He pouts, not even putting up a fight.
"Now I feel like a bitch."
"Don't. I get it. Completely professional."
I go to respond, but he gives me no chance. He leaves.
"Eggsy!" I ran after him.
He already made it out the door and into the empty hallway by the time I caught up with him.
"Why the hell run away, Egghead?"
"I saw no purpose in dancing with you at that time, Miss Hart." Eggsy spoke properly, not bothering to look at me.
"Why do you feel the need to talk to me like that?"
"It was your request for our relationship to be strictly professional, Miss Hart. I am doing what you asked."
"I meant our relationship being professional."
"Well, if our relationship is going be professional, so shall we be to each other."
"I do believe dinner is starting. I hope to see you there."
And with that he walks down the hall, taking a right at the end of it.
     Fucking bastard.
     "Bella, where've you been? We've been looking for you." Merlin calls running down the hallway and linking my arm through his. "Dinner is starting."
     He leads me down the hallway and through the door Eggsy went through earlier.
Everyone was already seated and talking away and probably waiting for us to arrive.
"We're seated over here." Merlin takes my hand brings me over to the other side of the table before pulling the chair out for me. I was next to Eggsy.
"Good evening, Miss Bell." He said.
I really don't want him calling me that right now.
"Ditto, Mr Unwin."
There then was a long boring speech about the Kingsman agents and how proud they are to have Mike and I here. Blah blah blah.
"Dig in!" Were the only words I pay attention to.
"How's your food?" Eggsy nudges me.
"Pretty good. What about you?"
"Great. Kingsman chefs know how to cook."
"I can see that."
Things were pretty awkward between us and I don't know why Eggsy is trying to be all proper. It makes me uncomfortable.
"Bell, make sure none of the other Kingsman suspect anything is going on between us, okay?"
"I think you should be telling yourself that, bro."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I mean, you were the one drawing everyone's attention in the ballroom. Keep your voice down and don't get too heated."
"Yeah, okay."
"Why do you always change moods so suddenly? Are you bipolar?"
"No I am not for your information. It's you whose got me acting all weird."
"I'm so happy I play a huge part in your life."
He rolls his eyes before chuckling.
"Whatever, Miss Bell."
We both laugh.
"I can't believe I talked to you like that. That's just weird." He chuckled.
Eggsy's change in moods did freak me out a bit and if they started happening more frequently, I would definitely do something before something bad happens.
But, all I could think about right now is how his eyes crinkled when he laughed and how he talked with the other Kingsman.
He looked at home and somehow that helped make me feel at home. This was my home.

Manners. Maketh. Man. (A Kingsman Fanfiction|EggsyUnwin)Where stories live. Discover now