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this can't be happening......


"no,no,no I'm not getting bullied! you don't have to worry." I said

"ok, but if I do find out you are moving schools" she said.

After the conversation I went up stairs

" why does this have to happen to me.

That fucking jerk ruined my life! ahahahahahahah!" I yelled into my pillow.

after that I went to sleep. I mean I do have school tomorrow.

(the next day)

I got up did my things and went to school.

when I got there it was really quiet. 

"hm am I late or something?" I asked myself

"whatever I like it this way" I Sid to my self and walked in 

the hallway was empty to so I went to the office 

"excuse  me, and I late cause theres no one here" I asked the office lady

"on of coarse not. Everyone is in the auditorium for an announcement." she said 

"oh! Do you know what the announcement is about?" I asked her 

"I think its a camp for the dance team" she replied 

" ok thank you" I said 

"no problem"

after that I went to the auditorium 

I walked in and looked for Lisa 

I saw her wave at me and then I walked over to her

"hi Lisa, wheres Jennie" I asked her as I was sitting down 

"oh she's using the restroom" she replied 

"and here she comes" she said pointing at Jennie as she walked over to us

"hi y/n, I thought you weren't coming for a sec" Jennie said

"well I'm here now" I said 

"attention kids I have something to tell you guys. So we we are having an event. Our dance teams big competition is coming up and to help you guys win, you will go to Japan for two weeks for a special training. So you night why you are here when you are not on the team right? Well two of you guys will also get to go with them to help out and I guess to watch the performance live. Also if you are on the team can you please stand up and everyone else give a round of applause and hope we win first place." the directer said 

then we stood up and everyone clapped for us, for some reason I feel really proud.  After that we sat down 

"omg I can't believe we are going to Japan! I've always wanted to there!" Lisa squealed

" ok calm down. I might not even go......" I said to Lisa 


'"what!" she said little bit loud. A lot of people looked at her

"opps, haha. sorry" she apologized 

"  Anyway back to the topic.  Why would you might not go?" she asked me.

"well you know that my parent don't like me away from home for a long time and to add on to it, its for dance and you guys know that my parents aren't the biggest fan of me dancing." I explained.

"oh yeah... well I hope you can go" she said.

After the assembly everyone went to there classes including me.

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