I frowned in confusion, which only made my head hurt even more. "W-hat are you talking a-bout-?"

       "Sh, don't strain yourself." He murmured softly as he his fingers brush across my heated cheek before pulling away.

       He sighed. "Being so physically near each other, but mentally far away is taking its toll. Mates are supposed to be together, not separated like this."

       I wanted to roll my eyes and tell him he wasn't making any sense, but I was too tired to bother. "Don't be silly." I pretty much wheezed as he smoothed out the heavy blankets covering me. "It's just a bug, it will pass."


       "D-Did Aeyron tell you?" I murmured sleepily as his beautiful blue eyes stared at the wall in front of him, his dark shirt clinging tightly to the muscles of his thick arms and chest.

       Of course Aeyron had told him, what a stupid question that was. But I wanted him to talk. I wanted to hear that beautiful voice that only seemed to visit my dreams.

       "Yes, he was worried. And he should have. I should have realized this would happen."

       That time I was able to roll my eyes, even though he didn't see.

       "Here, sit up a little." He suddenly urged, but I barely made a move when his strong hands were slipping under my arms and pulling me up onto the pillows. He was lifting a spoon to my lips before I could ask why. I automatically frowned, my stomach twisting unpleasantly at the smell.

       "I'm not hungry-"

       "Open." His voice was so stern, so no-nonsense that my lips automatically parted and let him pass the spoon between them. My stomach surprisingly didn't try to reject the warm sweet soup that slid down my throat. My eyes widened.

       "I want you to eat all of this. It will help." Eirik spoke softly, but his voice held such a gruff authority I knew not to disobey. So I sat propped up against my pillows, a cool cloth on my head as the King of the North spoon fed me soup.

       "It pains me to see you like this." His voice had suddenly turned sad, all gruff authority gone as his lightning blue eyes gazed down at me.

       Trust me, it pained me for him to see me like this. I could only imagine the state in which I looked. Sweaty and sick. It couldn't have been a pretty sight.

       "I know you do not think so, but this truly is my fault. I will fix it- I will fix this. Soon."

       "How?" I stammered around a cough before letting him feed me another spoonful. He gave me a small, sad smile.

       "There is this place I would like to take you too when you are feeling better. That is, if you would like to go."

       If I wasn't so sick I probably would have jumped to the sky in happiness. Of course I would want to go! But I had to rein my happiness and excitement in for the time being and only give him a simple nod- my eyes bright in hope.

       "Yes please."

       His smile turned more genuine and that bright blue gaze seemed to glow as it washed over me. "You are very dear to me, Emrie. I'm sorry I make that so hard to see."

       My heart was suddenly beating erratically in my chest, my breathing turning hard in my lungs. I was- dear to him? He was here, in my chambers, spoon-feeding me soup with such a soft tenderness in his gaze it made my chest ache.

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