Chapter 32

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Olivia P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of Portuguese cuisine, i went into my en-suite bathroom and did my hygiene thing and went back into my room to get dressed, since it was my birthday i wanted to look nice so i decided to wear my leather leggings, my black crop jumper with leopard print sleeves and my custom maid black harauches with leopard print at the side.

i like my hair curly so i left it as it was but i added a bit more water to make it extra curly, I applied some carmex and went downstairs, as soon as I saw Isaiah i ran up to him and shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWIN" he hugged me and said "you to sis" while laughing.

for someone who got beat up he looked good, he only had a bruise on his bottom cheek and all the swelling had gone down, he had on a white fitted versace shirt, dark burberry jeans and his beige timberlands, his hair was in its usual curls and he looked cute, after my mum hugged me i sat next to jeremiah.

he looked at me and whispered "happy birthday beautiful and your ass looks good in them leggings" i blushed and playfully hit him, we all started talking and waited for Maria to arrive. today we decided to go out while our parents chill together then when we come back we'll open presents.

all of a sudden we heard banging at the door and we knew it could be no one else but maria's hyper ass, jeremiah went to open the door and she pushed straight past him and ran and hugged me "happy birthday boo your finally 17", she then went over to Isaiah and planted kisses all over him.

once she was finished she shouted "ma wheres the food" i looked at her, i swear this girl is something else. when everyone found out she was pregnant they weren't to happy but now there all happy to be grandparents, she's only a 3 weeks pregnant and she's already started buying things.

my mum dished everyone out food then we went to say grace but maria offered so we all waited, then out of nowhere she opened her loud mouth "LOOORD JESUS AS WE COME BEFORE YOU I THANK YOU FOR THIS PORTUGUESE CHICKEN THING AND I THANK YOU FOR THIS DAY BLESS ME WITH MORE CHICKEN AND THANKS NOW LETS EAT HOLLA LATER GOD"

by time she was finished everyone was laughing at her Jeremiah spoke "damn when since was you and god pals about holla later"

"man shut jerry, just cos you jealous"

we laughed the ate our food, once we was finished we left out, we all went in our own cars and headed to the shopping centre, once inside we made our way to the cinema and watched this new movie, once it was finished we brought a few things and headed home.


when we got inside all our friends parents were there, they told me and isaiah to sit down and they presented us with gifts, I got clothes, hair products and a couple pairs of trainers, then jeremiah came and handed me a small box, i opened it and inside was a ring, on the box it said promise ring, i put it on and said "jerry it's beautiful" he laughed and said "i knew you would like it" i kissed him and then my mum gave me an ankle bracelet that said my name on it, isaiah got a watch that said his name on the inside and lots of trainers and clothes.

today was the day jeremiah was leaving and i would really miss cuddling with him, his parents already had his room set out so all he had to do was bring his things, he called his parents and told them he would make his own way home and they agreed, isaiah was gonna spend the night at maria's i swear there so freaky.

my mum and mr&mrs cruz were going out to look for an appropriate doctor for maria and book an appointment, they would probably end up going out and having a meal so that meant i was gonna be alone

"jerry please stay for a bit"

he nodded and said "are you scared" in a girly voice, i slapped him and ran upstairs, he chased me and threw me on the bed and started tickling me "stop, stop" i begged, he stopped then I straddled him and started tickling him, pulled me down and started kissing me, he left kisses from my neck to my lower belly, he then made his way back to my neck and started kissing it, he found my sensitive spot and i started to moan.

i had never done anything sexual before so i was slightly scared but i wanted to do something for jeremiah because he's so good to me and we've been in a relationship for quite a while and the most we've done is kiss and he's so loyal, i told him to sit on my bed and i went into my walk in wardrobe...

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