Chapter 25: Shopping leads to Change

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April 5, 1957

After Easter the Kennedy clan slowly but surely filtered out of Jack and Jackie's home, and after Jean, now five months pregnant, and Stephen left Jack, Jackie, Bella and Kick were left to their own devices.

The previous day Jackie had suggested they go shopping for the little one, when Kick and Bella had been born they had scrambled to get things ready for them on time, they wanted things done early and well this time.

They were also faced with the problem of not enough room for the baby. In their rather small Massachusetts home they only had two bedrooms, a bathroom, the kitchen, the living room, and Jack's study, Kick and Bella were already sharing a bedroom so they had nowhere for the new baby, Jackie hit herself for not realizing this when she was pregnant with Addison.

She expressed her concern to Jack and he had frowned and tried to figure out where they could put the new baby but he also couldn't figure it out.

Soon a steely silence sets on inbetween the two, both know he solution but neither wants to say it, or do it.

Eventually Jack says it with a heavy sigh,"Jackie, we have to move."

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