Chapter 13: Welcome Home

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January 31, 1957

Jackie felt relief, she was finally permitted to leave the hospital, Jack still had to stay, but at least her daughter's would be with one parent again.

She arrived home at 12:00PM, she entered and a frazzled looking Jean was at the door.

"Jackie." Jean sighed in relief.

"Hi Jean..." Jackie frowned and tried to look into the other room.

Jean sighed and muttered,"How do you balance being pregnant while having two children?"

Jackie stiffled a laugh,"Well Bella is usually well behaved and Kick is just a baby so as long as you keep her somewhere secure she can't do much."

Jean's eyebrows raised and then she yawned.

"I need sleep." she muttered.

Jackie laughed,"I thought Eunice was taking care of them."

Jean shook her head,"Not anymore, she has her own kids to take care of, besides I'm happy to help."

Jackie smiled,"Well thank you, why don't you head home, I can take things from here."

Jean looked relieved but unsure,"Are you sure Jackie? I'm sure you need a helping hand."

Jackie pushed Jean out of the house,"Rest Jean."

Jean nodded,"Ya... you're right. Thanks."

Jackie nodded and smiled.

After her sister in law left Jackie went up to Bella and Kick's room, assuming they'd be there.

Bella was in her crib, however Kick's was empty.

Jackie frowned she went to Bella's crib to pick her up only to find Kick sleeping at her older sisters feet.

A smile made its way across Jackie's face. Bella smiled at her mother and made a "Shhhh" sign with her finger. Jackie laughed quietly and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Now the only thing missing was Jack.

1957: A Kennedy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now