Chapter 21: Home sweet... "TRAVEL!"

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A/N: Oh gosh, sooooo sorry I haven't updated lately, I've been preoccupied, expect more updates, but less then earlier school starts soon Bleh.

March 13, 1957

Jackie awoke later than usual, she frowned at the time, 10:15, Kick should've awoken by now and be crying to be fed.

In confusion and a little bit of worry, she swung her legs over her bed and padded her way over to her daughter's room.

She peered inside and saw both Bella and Kick were sleeping soundly. She frowned, that was odd.

She supposed Kick was starting to get to the age where she didn't need to be fed every 4 hours.

Jackie shrugged and left the room, only as soon as she did crying erupted from the room.

Jackie sighed, of course Kick was hungry now.

Jack arrived home looking like hell, he almost fell asleep in the doorway.

Jackie hurried over to him and pulled his arm around her and set him down on the couch.

He muttered a thank you before nodding off.

Jackie rolled her eyes, this is what he got for being a politician.

She checked their calendar, Jack was going to campaign in Missouri in a week, she groaned, she'd always wanted to see the world, she just had hoped it wasn't as exhausting. Well they'd be home two days later so it wasn't too shabby.

Jackie felt a sudden wave of exhaustion crash onto her so she settled into the armchair next to the couch and closed her eyes.

1957: A Kennedy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now