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Hiya, everybody. This chapter may be short. That's because Prismarine is going to explain what happened to Steven. This book is almost done, then I'll start the third one. I have a good name for it. Oh, and one other thing. Share this book with whoever you think will like it. It is still a Stevidot Fanfiction. Thanks, Enjoy! ;)

Peridot POV

Prismarine sighed.

"Okay. Uh... this isn't going to be good. Uh... okay. Here goes." She took a deep breath. Citrine rushed her to know what's wrong. Every gem that lived in Beach City except for Obsidian, Sodalite, and Tourmaline was in the temple, waiting to hear what happened. Stevens dad even came with Sadie. "I scanned Rose's gem for any weird things going on inside it. Uh... Rose, gems like you have teleportation powers. Not very many know. I just found out by scanning your gem. Since you are Stevens 'parent', Steven inherited your powers. He accidentally used it wrongly and opened up a dimension portal. No Warp pad could do this. Steven teleported to another dimension on accident. But, you could get him, Rose. And you can take us with you. So... yeah. That's what's wrong." Prismarine nervously smiled. Everyone's jaw was dropped. Even mine.

"Rose, you have to go get him!" Pearl said. Everyone started blubbering out how much they miss him, or started explaining the plan on how they will get him. Me? I was sitting there, sad and feeling lonely.

Everyone's voices closed out. The only thing I could here was someone whispering to me. What are you saying?

"Hello?! Who's there?!" I stood up and looked around. Everything was black. Then a bright pink glow blinded me. I saw Steven running to me. Steven! He reached out to me and said,

"Help me!" His hands couldn't reach through something. I touched whatever it was he was touching. It was like a clear force field. I gasped.

"Steven... I'M COMING!! DON'T WORRY!!" I yelled. But he was gone. He faded away. My sight came back.

I blinked. Everyone was staring at me. I was standing up, six or seven steps from my spot I was sitting in. Garnet's jaw was dropped.

"What?" I asked. Everyone looked to Prismarine.

"Uh... Uh... I don't know? Maybe... Ah! Maybe Steven opened up a little hole in the space time continuum! The dimension hole was visible to only Peridot! This means he was thinking about Peridot not only in his mind, but his gem! So that means Rose still has time to reach through the hole and get Steven before it closes!" She said.

"Before it closes?" Citrine asked. Prismarine nodded.

"Yes. That hole will close soon if Rose doesn't hurry. We all must hurry. Peridot, what did you see when... well... you know. I don't actually know what it's called." Prismarine said.

"I uh... uh... I saw Steven. He said Help me. I don't know why. He was probably just worried. He didn't look injured or anything like that." I said. Prismarine nodded again.

"Hmm... what were his actions? What did he do when you were talking to him?" Prismarine asked.

"Well, let's see. He said Help me, then he tried to reach for me, but was stopped by an invisible force field." I said.

"Uh, oh. That's not good. If he can't reach you then that means the hole is beginning to close. If it closes, we may never see Steven again. Unless it opens up again because of Steven. But if Steven doesn't know how to work this new power, he may not be able to open the hole again." Prismarine said. Rose gasped.

"Y-you mean... I'll never see Steven again? Not even in the gem?" Rose asked, pink tears forming in her eyes.

"Rose Quartz, why do you think you're here instead of Steven?" Prismarine asked. "Because Steven no longer even has his gem." Prismarine said.

"You mean he's... full human?" Garnet asked, her form unsteady. She was already wiping tears off her cheek.

"I'm afraid so." Prismarine said.

"So how does he open and close the dimension hole thing?" Citrine asked.

"Because, he is part gem. Even if he doesn't have his gem, making his form human, that doesn't mean that his organic life form parts didn't lose the actual gem parts. It's very complicated to explain this. Okay. Let me try explaining it this way." She said. She took another deep breath. "Okay. Stevens part human, part gem. Losing his gem doesn't take away his powers." Prismarine said.

"How come?" I asked.

"Because his human form is holding onto the powers. The human part of him won't let the gem take his powers. Which will mean that Rose Quartz will have a hard time using most of her powers. She can summon weopons using her gem unlike Steven. But Steven has her power to open and close the dimension hole. That means that in order to get you there, Peridot will have to tell Steven to hold it open long enough for Rose to get through the hole, get Steven, and close the door. But, once both of you are in the same dimension, Steven will poof. Do not fear when this happens, Rose Quartz. For he will be in your gem. Then, once back in our dimension, we will have to find a way to poof you," Prismarine pointed to Rose at that part. "And send you to your gem. Once the gem will take form... uh..." Prismarine stopped. "I didn't want to explain this part." Prismarine mumbled under her breath.

"What is it?" Amethyst asked.

"This mission may confuse the gem, making it to where Rose will be the form for the gem, and Steven have to be the one inside all the time. It is rare to confuse a gem. In fact, this kind of thing has never happened. So, I may not be much of help on this mission. I can explain the scientific things and that's it." Prismarine said.

"So, Steven won't be able to take form after this, but Rose will?" Pearl asked.

"No. If the gem is confused, it will be Rose in Stevens place out here, and Steven in Rose's place in the gem." Prismarine said. Rose gasped. Nobody could take all of this information and distribute it perfectly through their minds except for maybe me.

To shorten this up,
Steven is in another dimension. He opens and closes a hole in the space time continuum. If we get Steven back into our dimension, the gem could possibly become confused and switch Rose and Stevens place. We may lose Steven.

"Uh... Rose? I also need to tell you something... it's bad." Prismarine said.

"What is it?" Rose asked in a sad voice.

"Uh... the reason you have to go to your gem is because... you have to see what's wrong with Steven. Bringing him back to his own dimension will definitely cause lots damage, but him going to that dimension, that might not cause too much damage." Prismarine said.

"W-What?" Rose stuttered.

"Steven may not make it coming back." Prismarine said.

"So then... the safest thing for Steven..." Garnet started.

"Is to leave him there. It is extremely risky to try and go get him. He will come back extremely damaged or possibly dead." Prismarine finished. I gasped. An enormous possibility that Steven might come back dead. Sadie gasped, but didn't even understand most of what Prismarine said. Greg was emotionless. It was extremely shocking to be told that bringing Steven back might kill him. He is human, now. He is weaker. And he might not see us ever again. And even if he does live, Prismarine said that there is an enormous chance that Steven will take his mother's place in the gem. So, if my calculations are correct, then there is a very small chance we will ever see Steven again.

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