A certain path

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Twilight POV

Pearl gave me a bad look when she introduced us to Jon. She always gives fusions bad looks when she is introducing them. This means I'll have to stay like this for a while. I don't actually know how long. I will have to unfuse sometime soon.

"We are the Crystal gems!" Pearl announced.

"Yes, yes. Very nice. How wonderful. Could you please stop talking now?" Jon rudely said. Pearl gasped. " I mean you are just a bunch of traitorous--" Jon closed his mouth when he said that. Steven glared at Jon. Pearl shook her head and acted like that never happened. Garnet touched her visors and gasped. She knows something bad. I have to know it. I have to. I walked over to Garnet and whispered to her,

"What do you know?"

"Well, not much except that there are two paths. One where Jon is a hybrid gem and the other where Jon... Grr... No, y-you don't want to know the other." Garnet whispered back.

"Please tell me." I whispered.

"No! I told you Twilight, YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW THE OTHER!!" Garnet yelled so loud that it scared Pearl. Pearl shot a look at me. Garnet growled. She was about to blow. Garnet's fusion was becoming unstable. Garnet grabbed my arm and dragged me off towards the Warp pad. "Don't follow me." Garnet said with no emotion whatsoever. Garnet warped me to the temple.

"What is it?" I asked.

"If I unfuse, don't let Ruby run off. It could end up getting Sapphire shattered. And Steven taken away. And Peridot becomes... Different." Garnet said. She sighed and walked closer to me. She grabbed my shoulders. I am as tall as Garnet. "In this path, Jon takes Steven, Ruby, Sapphire, and Peridot to Homeworld. Peridot becomes her old self, the Peridot who was loyal to the Diamonds, Sapphire will be shattered, and Steven and Ruby are... well, I couldn't really go past that part. The path shows no more after that. I do know that Steven poofs Jasper and Peridot. That's all." She said. I looked to the ground.

"I can't believe it. We poof Yellow Diamond and send her to the burning room, and Homeworld still wants to shatter us? None of this makes sense! Why does Homeworld still want to shatter us and destroy Earth?!"

"I don't know!! Stop asking so many questions! Grr... Agh!!" Garnet unfused and Ruby took off running. Sapphire gasped. I took off after Ruby. I formed a giant water fist using Lapis' powers and grabbed Ruby. She screamed and burnt me as she kicked her flaming feet. I gasped in pain and grabbed the burnt arm. The water fist went away. I was caught off guard and Ruby took off for the barn Warp pad. She warped away. I followed her to the Kindergarten. I looked around for her. I heard her scream in the distance. And then... I heard another scream. Not Ruby's.

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