My dreams start

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Peridot POV

Ever since Steven picked me, he's been acting normal again. It's most likely because his dreams stopped. That's good. Ever since we poofed Yellow Diamond using our fusion, Crystal, that's all Amethyst would talk about. Besides the fact that we found out Connie was a gem. She soon learned how to use her gem. Steven got to have his mother's sword back. And I... have Steven.

"Hey, Peridot." I heard Lapis say. "Have you seen Helenite? Pearl is wondering where she is." She asked.

"Actually, no. I haven't seen her since we defeated Yellow Diamond." I said. Nobody has seen her since then. And it's been a whole month since then.

"Hmm. Well, if you see her, tell her Pearl wanted her." Lapis said, and with that, she flew away. I sat alone on the beach again. I decided to get up and walk to the temple to sit with the others. I've been spending nights there with Lapis, Amethyst, and Steven. Connie can't live with us. We actually found out how Connie is a gem. She wasn't in the beginning really, and she somehow gained the power. She is a... you know, I don't even know if she is a hybrid or if she is a full gem.

"She is a full gem." Garnet said. I jumped and looked at her.

"Where did you come from?" I asked.

"I just heard you ask that in my future vision."

"You got your future vision back?" She hesitated to answer.

"Yes. But not the same way I had it before." How did she even lose it in the first place? I have no idea.

"Oh, good. Future vision is quite useful." I said. I didn't know what to say! I'm so nervous when I talk to Garnet.

"Hmm. Okay, goodbye, Peridot." She said. I waved and she walked back into the temple. Steven came running out.

"Peridot!! Guess what!"

"What. I guessed. You told me the answer so I knew what to say."

"No, no. You're supposed to think of what I'm going to tell you." He said. Oh, I get it.

"Uh... I don't know. What is it?" I said.

"We are going to talk to Emerald and Jasper." He said with a smile.

"WHAT?!" I cried. He took a hesitant step back. "Why?!"

"Because Garnet wants to persuade them to join us." Good thing Yellow Diamond is dead or else Garnet would also want to talk to her.

"But they fused into Jasperald and tried to shatter us!" I yelled. "I don't want to have to stay with them!" I stomped my foot into the ground. He frowned. Steven immediately tackled me. He started tickling me. I laughed and laughed. Then I accidentally elbowed him in the side.

"Agh! Why'd you do that?!" He yelled and jumped up.

"You were the one who commenced the tickling!" I yelled. He looked at me for a minute, then he growled.

"Grr... It's so hard to like people from Homeworld!" He accidentally yelled. I gasped and looked away from his face. Yellow Diamond was right. I'm just a puny Peridot. Who cares about me? Not even Steven. I stood away from him. I felt someone rap there arms around my side. Steven picked me up from behind and jumped high into the air and floated. I gasped, seeing we were high above the ground.

"What are you doing?!" I cried.

"Uh... floating. Why?" He said and smiled a little.

"Let me down!" I yelled. He sighed and floated down. He lost his grip on me for a minute. I gasped and quickly started kicking my feet to feel the ground. As soon as we were close enough, I jumped from his grip. "Don't ever do that again!" I yelled at him. He bursted out laughing. I growled. He did that on purpose earlier. He did it to make fun of me being afraid. We went inside, forgetting about what happened outside.


"Have you seen Helenite?" Pearl asked when we got back to the temple. I shook my head. "I don't like that gem." Pearl mumbled. Lapis dragged out some sleeping bags. Steven chose to sleep on his bed, while Lapis, Amethyst, and me picked our spots. I've started liking the comfort of sleeping. Gems don't need it but it's comforting. Amethyst started snoring as soon as she her head hit her pillow. Lapis turned over away from everybody else and soon fell asleep. I felt myself drifting away, as well. It was a comforting night... right up until... I started dreaming.

*In my dream*

White Diamond growled at her Pearl once she got news of Yellow Diamond being poofed and hasn't been seen since. Yet, she was happy. She did not share the fact that she was happy.

"Set a course for that wretched Earth. I am going to end those Crystal gems and then destroy Earth!!" White Diamond growled. "Oh, and shatter the Yellow Pearl. We have no use for her." She said. Yellow Pearl begged for mercy, but that just made White Diamond rush the gem shattering the Pearl. The Pearl's shards were on the floor seconds later. White Pearl ran out of the room to set a course for Earth.

*Dream ends*

Amethyst poked my cheek and I awoke.

"Finally! I've been sitting here for a half an hour trying to wake you up!" Amethyst yelled. I looked around.

"So, you ready to go?" Lapis asked me once I got up.

"Go where?" I asked. Lapis and Amethyst looked at each other.

"We told you yesterday. Pearl is sending us to search for Helenite in the kindergarten and stawberry fields." Amethyst said.

"You never told me that." I said. They looked at each other again and Amethyst said,

"Forget it. You know now. Let's go." I wonder if anyone else is going.

"Is anyone else going?" I asked. Pearl jumped from her place and ran towards Steven, who was still in bed. She stood in front of him to block us.

"Not my baby! He isn't allowed to go to the strawberry fields or kindergarten anymore!" She yelled at us, then she pushed us on the warp pad and we warped to our first place.
The Kindergarten.

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