Part 5- Sleeping Arrangements

Start from the beginning

"Amber, has mum told you that she's away again on your birthday weekend next month?" Nathan asked.

"No?" Amber grinned.

"Partay!" Jay smirked.

"Can I Nath?" Amber pleaded.

"If I can get the other guys to come down and watch over everything then yeah I guess so, but just so you know, I'll kick anyone out who makes a mess or gets too drunk!" Nathan smiled.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Amber squealed, running over to hug Nathan.

"Ew!" He teased, holding her at arms length.

"Jay, please will you come and supervise?" Amber asked, sitting on the couch next to him.

"Go on then!" Jay smiled.

"Yessss!" Amber smiled and threw her arms around Jay and he hugged her back and I laughed.

"You have to ask the other boys though too, I'm not doing it, you gotta do it!" Nathan smiled.

"Okay, you're deffo coming all that day to help decorate and get ready Mol!" Amber grinned at me.

"Sure, I'm excited!" I beamed back.

I internally screamed at getting to meet Max, Tom and Siva too. Amber nodded and came and sat down next to me again.

"So what do you wanna do tonight?" Amber asked.

"Movie night?" Nathan smiled.

"Good shout!" Amber nodded.

"What are we watching?" Jay asked.

"I dunno, what do you wanna watch Mol?" Amber asked.

"Anything, I'm easy.. But no horror!" Molly shuddered.

"Horror it is... How about the woman in black?" Nathan smirked.

"You may be famous and all this and your fans would hate me... But fuck you Nathan!" I laughed shaking my head.

"Votes for the woman in black?" Amber asked as the three of them raised their hands and grinned at me.

"I hate you all!" I giggled nervously, picking one of the blankets up off the floor and pulling tight around me.


"I'm just going to the toilet, please don't feel the need to pause it for me!" I shuddered, getting up and walking through to the back where the bathroom is.

"Look how jittery she is! She's bricking it!" Jay laughed as I walked.

I got back to see id lost my seat, Jay had taken my place under the blanket on the couch next to Amber.

"Oh, I see how it is!" I sighed and walked over casually to sit on the other couch, pressing myself up to the opposite end from Nathan awkwardly as he eyed me up. Amber and Jay were both smirking at me and I just shook my head in their direction.

Nathan slung his legs on top of my knees and winked at me, I gulped as the lump formed in my throat. Jay pressed play, it was getting to the scary part of the film. I watched the other couch as Jay and Amber shuffled closer together until Amber was lay across Jay. She had her head on his chest and their legs were stretched out down the couch together. Jays arms were around Amber and she had her hand rested on his chest. She smiled up at me when she saw me looking and I could see it in her eyes that she was excited by this advancement. Nathan looked at me, raising his eyebrows at me and shaking his head as I giggled.

"Fuck me!" I squealed and turned my head away from the TV screen and covered my eyes.

"You're really scared aren't you?" Nathan sniggered.

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