Stole My Heart (1D fan fic)

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Hi this is my first story hope you like it!!! Please do not copy my story!!! I didnt edit sorry!! The some charaters ar fake(ovi 1D is real) personalities fake, and some people in this who have girlfriend  dont and some who dont do.


    I walk into Starbucks, almost every table is full. Going up to the counter I order my summer usual. Iced tea with a little honey. I walk around looking for a seat. Then I find one. A little table for two in the corner, perfect! As I sit down I take a sip of my tea. The honey sweetniss makes me smile. Just what I needed on this summer morning.

     I pull back a few strands of my dirty blond hair that has fallen into my face. I look down at my ripped jeans and light blue hoodie, very casual but who cares no one her knows me or most likely will evey see me again. I look up and I meet eye contact with a boys striking brown eyes. I drop my gaze but hear the thump of someone walking towards me.

"Hey" a guys voice says. Well I should look up but I hesitate.

"Hi" I almost whisper.

" Can I sit?" he asks.

"Sure" I say finally looking up. He looks very fermilliar. The dark curlyish hair and big brown eyes.

"Liam Payne..." I say quietly but loud enough for people to notice.

    Every girl in this whole place starts screaming and running over towards us.

" Run!" Liam says. He grabs my hand and drags me out of the door. We get out on to the side walk.

"Where do we go?" I ask slightly panicked. These girl turn into tigers at the sound of his name.

"This way!" he yells turning right. We start to run, after three blocks I start to pant. I try not to look to tired.

"What's your name?" he asks.

" Heather Fields" thats when we hear the screams again. Liam quickly turns into a fancy hotel, we run for the elavaters and he pushs the botton.

" It's gong to take to long. The security gaurds will hold some of but not all of them!" Liam says slightly panicked. He turns to the stairs and we start to run. We run up a lot of stairs I mean ALOT! Finally Liam turns into a hallway and inserts a key into the door. I'm not a fan of One Direction, their music is okay, I'm just not one of those crazy fans.

     I hear voices as I step into the room. Shouts of "I WIN!" and "COME ON!" and stuff like that. Liam lets go of my hand, we lean against the walls panting. I start to giggle. Liam's face light's up with a smile. That's when the rest of them notice us. Someone pauses the game.

"Either Liam has a new girlfriend or she's and insane fan" Zayn says. I blush 'cause I'm neither. I fan identify them by name because so many of my friend drool over them. One of the boys stands up.

 "Hi I Harry" He says confidently. He looks at his clothes. He's wearing nothing but bright pink boxers with butterflies on them.

"Oh god" Louis laughs munching on a carrot. Harry runs into a different room.

"So what's up" Niall says. His blonde hair sticking up every wear and his mouth full of a sandwich. Liam explains to them how we met and the fans and everything. Louis stands up and walks over, putting his arm around my sholders.

"Ok Love, you can hang out with us." He exclaims. I look down at his shoes.

"NIce slippers" I say with a laugh. Louis looks down at his gaint bunny slippers.

" I like them because they like carrots" he smiles. 

  We walk over and sit down on the couches s Harry come back (with real clothes on). He looks a little imparessed.

"You play call o duty" Zayn asks.

"Erm.. a littlenot really." I say.

"We do teams so you wont be alone" Liam said sweetly.

" I CALL BEING WITH... ERM" Harry yells.

"Heather" I laugh, the rest of the guys pair up.

"What happen to Larry Styleson," Louis fake cried," To bad I like Zayn better!" Louis stuck out his tongue at Harry. I gigle again, god do I sound like a retarted fan girl. The boys get ready to start the game. Harry tells me hat you take turns with your partner, he wants me to go first.

"No,No I need to watch and learn." I say. I watch, it's really funny. They look so consentrated as the rapidly move heir fingers and stair at he t.v. Every so often the jump around on the couches.

"DIE!" Niall yells.

"NOOO!" Louis says falling over pretending to get shot as his player dies,

"I'm coming for you Nialler." Harry tonts.

"Not if I get you first!" Niall moks in his silly Irish way.

" So, Heather whats your life like?" Zayn asks politly.

"Well, Im 18. My family owns a stable about a half our out of here (London), and when I'm not with he horses I come to London."

" YEAH I WON!" Harry yells jumping around the couches. Niall does a weird Irish scream, strange boy but he's funny! I start to laugh but stop myself , I don't want to sound like a weird fan girl again.

" Your turn" Harry smiles handing over the  remote. They start the game and I really don't know what to do. So when all else fails push the bottons randomly.

"Haha, sucka" Zayn laughs. As my player falls to the ground.

" Zayn! You horrible man, you killed her. YOU WILL PAY!"Liam yells. LIam pushs a botton amd I watch as his player knocks Zayn's to the ground and pulls out a knife.


" For Heather!" Liam yells and I fell my checks turning red. Liams player strikes and, well, that was the end of Zayn's players life. That's when I notice Niall, he's tiptoes behind Harry with and uncaped purple crayola marker. Niall see's me watching him and he wiggles his eyebrows.

"RAWR!" Niall yells jumping on Harry and scribbling on his arm.

"Niall!" Harry cries. as he jumps back onto Niall. The wrestle around on he floor, trying to pin each other down.

" I should get going." I say.

"What but you just got here!" Niall fake cries. I look down at my watch, it's 11:30 so I've been here a while.

" Ok, Love, we'll show you the back door so you don't get killed by fans." Louis says.

" Oh, thanks" I say sarcasticly. We all get up and walk out the door and towards the elavators. Niall is riding on Hary's back covering his eyes.

" I can't see!" Harry yells as he bumps into Zayn, who smashes his face into Louis's back who just knocks me a litle but I fall.I tense up my body perparing to hit the hard ground. But, I don't hit anything, I fell myself in someone's strong arms.I look up to find Liam.

" Got yeah" He smiles. I blush.

"Thanks" I laugh>

" You guys ruined my beautiful hair!" Zayn yells at Harry and Niall who are literley rolling on the floor laughing. We all start to laugh accept for Zayn.

"LLN" Louis chocks out. It's true Niall has the best laugh that just makes you want to luagh too.We take the elavators down and walk  to the back door. I give my phone to the boys, I know that they know what to do. They hand over theirs and I put my number in.

"Bye" They say. I turn around and wave goodbye to my new 5 friends. I starts to walk back to starbucks to get my car. When my phone beeps.


Harry Styles: u should come back 2maro!!!:)

I smile as I text back.

You can count on it!:P

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