A Royal Announcement

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This is an AU where pansexuality is the norm in Camelot. Uther is dead and gone mostly bc I don't feel like dealing with him lol. Merlin doesn't have magic in this AU (bc I'm trying to focus less on magic) I'm a sucker for Cinderella stories and the idea of making a Merthur one just came to me! I hope you enjoy!


"Merlin!" Arthur shouted as he did when he was stressed, "where's the cream-colored shirt I asked you for?"

"One moment, sire," Merlin breathed as he toted in an armful of Arthur's laundry.

Arthur didn't bother undressing out of his night clothes behind his screen. He didn't care much for modesty. Merlin didn't mind, although he sometimes found it distracting when Arthur was standing there in his full glory, his skin pink and smooth. At least, Merlin thought it looked smooth. He'd never actually run his hands over it before. He might've thought about it a few times though.

"Merlin!" Arthur chided, snapping Merlin out of his daydream, "The shirt?"

"Here it is, sire," Merlin handed it to him, averting his gaze away from Arthur's muscled body.

Arthur noticed Merlin's peculiarity.

"What's wth you, Merlin?" Arthur asked with a smirk.

"Nothing, just...tired," Merlin sighed.

"Tired?" Arthur grinned, "You're the laziest servant ever, how can you possibly be tired?"

Merlin couldn't help but laugh. "I may be the laziest servant but you're the one stuck with me."

"I suppose I am," Arthur crooned.

He couldn't imagine a world in which Merlin were not constantly by his side. He teased him often, but it was out of affection.

Sometimes, when he lay in his bed late night, he could see Merlin's face in his mind's eye. He could see the chiseled cheekbones, hear the sound of his laugh. Then he'd drift off to a peaceful sleep.

These were deep, suppressed feelings though, only reserved for the darkest hours and the deepest recesses of the mind.

In the waking hours of reality, Arthur was a king, and Merlin was his servant.

Arthur pulled on his shirt and Merlin was suddenly there smoothing and straightening it, making sure it looked perfect. Though Arthur always looked perfect, Merlin thought. Except for when he was being a dollophead.

"Merlin?" Arthur asked quietly.

Merlin was suddenly aware that he was still standing very close to Arthur.

"Do you think this could work?" Arthur asked, quiet and serious.

Merlin's brain scrambled. "Do... do I think... this...?"

"The Ball," Arthur interjected, "Do you think I can find someone this way?"

"Oh," Merlin's voice hitched, "Um, well, it can't hurt to try I suppose. It's a good way to meet a lot of people."

Arthur nodded, pensive.

"Even if you don't find the one for you," Merlin's heart fluttered, "If nothing else, a Ball will be fun for the kingdom," Merlin said.

"Smart, Merlin," Arthur smiled, "your intellect does surprise me sometimes."


Arthur stood on a balcony of the palace, overlooking the gathering of his subjects in his courtyard. The crowd spread even beyond the palace walls and spilled out into the streets. Practically the whole town was here for Arthur's exciting announcement. He was a beloved King, and everyone was eager to appear for an announcement from him.

Just off to his right stood his lean and lanky manservant, Merlin. He was almost always seen by Arthur's side. Oftentimes the teenagers of Camelot would discuss who was most attractive, King Arthur or the Manservant Merlin. It was a hot debate.

"Good morning, citizens of Camelot!" Arthur boomed with a magnificent smile. The crowd cheered their greetings.

"It's my pleasure to announce that we will be having a Ball here at the castle, for all of Camelot to attend!"

The crowd cheered their excitement.

"Everyone is invited of course," Arthur beamed, "but I should tell you I have a specific purpose for this Ball. While it will be a fun night for you all, a chance to celebrate and enjoy yourselves, the main purpose will be for me to meet as many eligible suitors as possible, as I believe it is time for me to settle down with a partner who will become my Queen or King Consort."

There were excited murmurs and gasps from the crowd.

"Being King is no easy task," Arthur continued, "It is even tougher being a king who is alone. I seek a marital companion, to share in my leadership of Camelot. I wish to have a constant partner to share all aspects of my life with."

Merlin twitched only slightly. It went unnoticed by everyone.

Except for Morgana.

On Arthur's other side his sister, Morgana, stood still and regal, her porcelain face a mask of solidity. Her eyes slid sideways as Merlin twitched when Arthur mentioned sharing his life with someone. She had noticed quite some time ago that Merlin was in love with the King. At first she thought it harmless. A silly little serving boy with a crush on the King. How novel. However, she had begun to realize just how much Arthur kept Merlin around and insisted on his company. She began to think that Arthur, though subconsciously, was returning Merlin's feelings.

That had been why she planted the idea in Arthur's mind that he needed to marry. Honestly it hadn't taken too much convincing. Arthur was shouldering a lot of responsibility on his own. He was often tired, and Morgana was sure to comment on it and express her sisterly concern at any chance she got.

"Dear Arthur," she'd chided one night, "You look absolutely exhausted. You needn't share your burden alone." This wasn't the first time she'd told him as much.

"I know," he had said, exasperated, "I know you want me to marry. But how can I find a husband or wife when I'm busy being the King?"

It was then that Morgana presented him with the idea for the Ball. She'd coaxed him into it, making him believe it was his own idea.

Camelot was accepting of any consenting adult relationships and did not discriminate among any genders or gender identities. Morgana was fine with this, as it was the norm of the kingdom, but she felt that Arthur was a shade too liberal when it came to the company he kept. He often seemed to believe anybody else was equal to him, easily chatting with lowly street merchants just as he would a well-off Lord or Lady. He had even made men and women who were not of lordly blood his knights.

Morgana knew Arthur would be willing to consider anybody as a suitor at this Ball. He would see no difference between a well-bred Lord or Lady and a commoner. She would have to monitor the situation very closely.

~A/N: I'm sorry for making Morgana this way! Believe me, I love her, BUT I needed a 'mean stepsister' type to fit into the Cinderella theme!~

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