✨I'm back✨

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I been gone for too long, but for good reason of course. I wouldn't just leave for no reason trust me.

So a few things:

1.I am going to complete a couple request. If you request an imagine from me an i didn't get to it, I am deeply sorry😭. Just pm and refresh my memory.

2. I have a second acccount, you guys should go check it out. I publish a new book today and need some people to be involved in it. It is Jazzy33_ I would appreciate y'all love over there as well as here.

3. I am thinking of making another book on here too, maybe something inspires by the movie Creed. Let me know if you would be interested in that.

I think that is all for now. Anyways, how y'all been? I missed y'all😭

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