Gold slugs (Willie Cauley-Stein)

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Your pov

I was in this club with my best friend Deja and we happen to come on its busiest day. The 2015 rookies were in the building. How did most of them get in here? No clue. 

"Y/n look." She said pointing in the direction to the 7' rookie

"Willie?" I asked her 


"Why he look all extra thug?" I asked

"It is the gold in his mouth." She said

"I really love some gold slugs." I said rocking on my heels as he locked eyes with me 

"Stop frontin you love some of him." She laughed 

"Oh shit he coming over here act normal." I whispered as I sipped my drink

He is so fine up close.

"Hello ladies." He smiled showing off his gold slugs

"Hey Willie." We said in unison 

"Well Y/n I am going to try and get Oubre to take me home, bye Willie nice meeting you." Deja said walking off

"So Y/n is it?" He smiled once more

"Yes it is." I smiled

"Let's go to my place and get to know each other a little more." He said in my ear


We went to his place and he lead me up this double stair case that lead to his room.

"Woah this is huge, you live here by yourself?" I asked

"Yeah." He smiled

I bit my lip as I stared at his teeth. 

"You like them?" He asked walking over to me

"Like what?" I asked backing up 

This continue until I hit a wall. He trapped me against the wall and kissed on my neck.

"These gold slugs, you like them?"

"I-i love them." I said 

"Good." He said nipping at my skin

Oh lordt what have I started 

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