Smile for the camera (Odell Beckham Jr )

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First and foremost thank you for all of the ideas I really appreciate them. Second I will try to get ago all requests as soon as I can. Lastly enjoy!


Y/n pov

"I need a huge favor from one of you." I said walking into my sister's room

"Leave us alone." She said

"Please I need one of you to model for my photography project." I said

"Come on Y/S/N help your sister." Odell, her boyfriend said

"Listen to your boy." I said pointing at him

"Odell you do it then.". She said

"Fine I will." He smiled

"Yes! Thank you thank you thank you." I said hugging him tightly

"You know I got you sis." He said hugging me back

I let go of him and rolled my eyes at my sister before walking out the room.

Now that that is out the way ya girl a date to get ready for.


Odell pov

Y/S/N fell asleep on me, praise God. I don't even want to be with her in the first place, but she makes me look good, so I am stuck with get until my manager says otherwise. I went downstairs to watch some t.v. and I saw Y/N laying on the couch all dressed up.

"Y/n isn't it too late to go out somewhere?" I asked

"I know." She whined sitting up

"Then why are you dressed?" I asked sitting next to her

"Cause niggas ain't shit." She whined snatching her shoes off and throwing them

"Talk to me." I said placing her feet on my lap

"He stood me up for some Becky hoe." She pouted

"Damn, who this nigga I got some words for him." I said standing up

"Noooo, nooo, Odell no." She said grabbing my arms

"Nah he got you in the house up at 12 a.m. crying.  I won't have this." I said

"Please Odell I am fine." She sniffled

"You sure?" I asked

She nodded her head

"Fine." I sighed

"Thank you Odell." She sighed

"How about we go take some pictures to make you feel better?" I offered

"Yeah that's cool." She smiled


Y/n pov

"Welcome to my studio."I smiled

"Y/n this is your room."he laughed

"Just go along with it." I kissed my teeth

"Okay, okay." He laughed

I took out my camera and tripod. I dropped the backdrop that I keep on top of my curtains.

"Okay now I see it's a studio." He chuckled

"I told you." I smiled placing a stole and an old wooden table on the backdrop

"Okay now sit there and look cute." I said

"I am already cute girl stop frontin'." He said sitting down

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