Quick note

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Okay first off I am sorry, I been gone for a long time. Basketball season started up and I don't get out of practice until 9 and on game days don't get home until 10 sometimes. And also I there has been some deaths in my family so I had to completely stop everything for a while. But now I am here so let's see how this goes.

Second, I am going to be closing this book soon and starting another one, so be on the look out for that soon. I also want to start another book, I just don't know about whom just yet. I will get back to you all on that.

Third, how is everyone? I hope you guys have had a great couple of weeks. If you in school I hope school is going well. If you work, I hope that is going great as well. If you don't do anything, I still hope you are doing well.

Well that is all I got. I am going to try and post tonight, not sure just yet, but uh yeah. Bye guys!

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