Lessons(Su'a Cravens)

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Su'a pov

I walked into my place after a post game press conference tired and hunger. Today is thanksgiving and all i want to do is eat and chill with my family and friends, well my best friend Y/N specifically.

"Guys i am home!" i yelled

"Su'a!" my mom yelled from the kitchen

"Hey momma." i sighed kissing her forehead

"I made you a plate but you got to warm it up." she said

"Thank you, now where is Y/N?" i asked

"She wasn't feeling to good, i made her lay down." she said

I nodded my head and ran upstairs

"What about your food?" she yelled

"It isnt going anywhere!" i yelled back

I poked my head in all the rooms to find her laying in my bed.

"Didn't i give you a room?" i asked

"But i wanted to watch you play and that room doesn't have a t.v. yet." she smiled as i climbed in the bed next to her

"What's wrong?" i asked her

"My stomach hurts." she whined

"Ya ass ate even though you was full huh?" i laughed

"I couldn't help it like my mom and your mom was cooking, it was all too good to just let it sit there." she laughed

"Now look at ya ass, in bed sick." i laughed

"I ain't sick." she protested

"Prove it." i chuckled

She stood up and grabbed the basketball laying on the floor. She started dribbling and stuff then she just stopped.

"Uh oh." she said holding her stomach

"Come lay down you dummy." i chuckled

She layed her head in my chest and ran her fingers up and down my chest tracing my tattoos.

"You were great today." she whispered

"Thank you, i wish you guys were there though." i yawned

"We will be at your next one trust me." she smiled looking up at me

I don't know what it is but something about her it makes me want to do unholy things with her. Like she is too sweet and too innocent for my life, i want to change all of that. Make her my little freak.


Y/N pov

As i laid in his chest watching Mech-x4 (i am watching that now its my favorite show rn) Su'a ran his fingers up and down my hips and thighs. He pulled on the waistline of my panties slightly pulling them down.

"Nigga what you doing?" i asked

"Come on Y/N." he smirked

"Come on what?" i asked

"Are you for real?" he asked

"Yes nigga that's why i asked"

"You mean to tell me that i am the only one that have these sexual urges when we together?" he said sitting up

"No, but you know how i feel about sex and stuff." i said

"And i don't know why you are scared, i won't hurt you." he said crawling on top of me

"What about everyone downstairs?"

"Door locked and this room is sound proof."

"Su'a." i sighed

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