gordy gets in a fight!?!?!?

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Rikers pov- it's been 4 days since rebel had the twins I haven't seen so much happiness in her she's happy and I'm happy but Gordy  though he's hiding something and that's not like him we all promised to tell each other everything but Gordy isn't telling anyone he stays quiet and it drives me completely crazy Gordy what's going on with you your hiding so much shit from  us and I can tell he soon removes his sunglasses and shows a black eye I gasped a little to loud because rocky came in with a dropped mouth what the hell happened I yelled Gordy said nothing of course he just stood there.

Gordy's pov- I got in a fight with this guy he said he wanted rebel he said I didn't deserve her or the twins he said if I didn't back off I was gonna get it it but i didn't back off so he punched me in my eye 3 times it soon started to swell there's no way in hell I'll be able to pull this off without rebel worring so I slipped my glasses in and hissed in pain soon Riker new domthhjng was off he said I was hiding shit from him then he asked me what happened over and over I said nothing he asked  on and on again I soon showed him rocky came in gasping he yelled what happened of course I kept my mouth shut because of get worse.

Sorry guys to do that to Gordy will Gordy spill it or stay quiet until it gets worse comment what you think Gordy should do spill or keep it hidden -🦄🌹

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