late Halloween with the Gs pt 2

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Gators pov- (gator gets his own pov yay!!😂) I went downstairs and saw rebel on Gordy and he was holding her it was so cute I was dying of cuteness it was the cutest thing ever I snapped a pic and posted it saying Gordy and rebel are goals I love rordy (something I just made up quickly since I have dance in a few) #rordy is real I can't wait until little Gordy comes I wanna be the frist to hold him (gator thinks it's a boy 😂) I ground because I had enough rordy tease guys stop teasing me I yelled

Rydels pov- gordy and rebel were cuddling while holding each other Gator was dying  of cuteness he was on he's knees begging them to stop all I did was laugh and cuddle with Ratliff  they are so cute I sighed I left and had to get rebels pills she has depression and I have to make sure she takes them I'd she doesn't who nows what will happen after I have them to her she left with gordy to take a nap and I loved her happy as long as she's happy I'm happy I started picking up the mess that gordy made so I could make lunch in a few hours and get ready for the hallween party

This took forever ugh someone hit me I take to long I swear

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