final author's note

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That was it!

I'm sorry if that was too short for you guys, but don't fear, because there's some great stuff coming up!

So basically, you've got two options. And yes, I said YOU because you guys are the readers, and I want to include your decisions.

Please comment on this chapter whether you want me to write a SOULMATE AU, or a SEQUEL to this story! I will only be doing one of those for now, along with another story I have in the works.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me until the end. It has been such an incredible honor writing for you all, and I cannot believe that this story reached the views it did. I'm just a Supercorp fan like you guys, and I wanted to share some writing! I never imagined it would reach THREE THOUSAND READS!

Thanks for all your votes, comments, and reads. I love you all.

PS: Sorry for chapter twelve.

P.P.S: Thank you @maryterwilliger for proofreading whenever I ask. You're a gr9 m9.

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