chapter nine

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A/N: hi guys. I feel kind of sick to my stomach writing this after the comicon incident (comment on this if you don't know what happened), but since I started it I might as well finish it, right? I know a few of you have been following along since the first chapter, so thank you guys, for keeping me going. Hope you like this chapter! :)

Kara had never felt a headache like this before.
When she woke up, it was a bit difficult to remember where she was. Everything came back in flashes, little glimpses of the past night, giving her chills- taking the shots, going to the dance floor, stars outside- and oh, kissing Lena. A whole lot of kissing Lena. Seeing black lip stains up and down her neck in the club bathroom, like painless hickeys (and maybe a few real ones?), tasting the shockingly, blindingly sweet taste of her lipstick, feeling Lena's hands massaging her scalp as their lips crashed together, inhaling the dark aroma of her perfume.
And then Kara's head melted. No longer was she remembering the wild night, but regretting the fated morning, and wishing she had Advil. Where am I? She thought, fear blanketing the dark room. She groped around with her hands, and recognized the soft, satin comforter and sheets. This immediately tagged the bed as belonging to Lena. Another memory hit her- being carried over the threshold in someone's strong arms, falling on the soft pillows.
Kara groaned in pain as the door to the bedroom opened. "Hey, darling," Lena greeted, holding a thick black tray and smiling warmly, "I see you're up."
"No bright lights," Kara mumbled, pulling a pillow over her head, but still managing to say- "except your smile."
"Even with a hangover, you're flattering. I picked the right girl! Now, take that pillow off of your face because I have a surprise."
Hesitantly lowering the pillow, she witnessed crispy bacon, gooey eggs, buttery toast, fluffy pancakes and waffles, plus a drink that was suspiciously green. She gasped, skyrocketing away from the mattress and immediately regretting it. "Ow..."
"Lay back down," Lena teasingly advised, walking over and placing the tray on the comforter.
"You're my favorite," Kara whispered, grabbing two slices of bacon and a slice of toast. In between bites (very quick bites), she glanced up at Lena. Her hair was tied up in a messy ponytail with strands falling out of place. Her outfit was not the usual, perfectly fitted and clean-cut, but instead casual jeans and a Supercafe shirt that fell to her thighs. She was barefoot, which revealed that she was shorter than she usually seemed. Kara couldn't help but smile slightly at the sight of her.
"So how embarrassing was I last night?" Kara inquired through chewing, fearing the answer as she retrieved a pancake.
Lena paused, carefully crafting an answer in her mind. "Well," she trailed off, "let's just say requesting the strongest thing they had was a bad idea. You revealed some... interesting dance moves..."
"No..." Kara whined in response, planting her forehead in her hands in shame.
"...and you revealed some interesting things..."
"Okay," Kara said, "I've heard enough, thank you very much."
Lena smirked, and leaned in closely. "I thought I had seen every inch of your body, yet I didn't know about your tattoo."
"Okay!" Kara interrupted loudly, immediately leading to more pain. Massaging her temples, she couldn't help but laugh a little, and muttered, "let's just change the topic. What is this-" she pointed to the glass- "terrifyingly green substance?"
"Hangover cure," Lena informed her, "made of all your favorite foods."
"Bacon, pizza, and potstickers?"
"Kale, spinach, and avocado, among others."
Kara whimpered, "those aren't my favorite foods! They're my least favorites. C'mon, Lena, do I have to drink that?"
Crossing her arms, Lena put on her toughest face. "Yes," she commanded, "you do, because you are my patient and I am the doctor."
It was hard to focus on what she was saying when she looked so, so good, but Kara managed. "Any other time I would love to play along, but that thing smells like-"
So she took a fearful sip, causing her to gag, because it was simply so disgusting. (She would later compare it to "dirt mixed with muddy leaves and lawn clippings.") Lena had her eyebrow raised, which could only mean swallow, so Kara finally ignored her tastebuds and forced the smoothie down her throat.
"I think I'm going to throw up," Kara coughed. "How could you do that to me?"
"Kara, I drink that every day," Lena said, rolling her eyes with a joking smile.
The disgusted barista glanced up slowly. "Why am I dating you?" She whispered, absolutely horrified.
As it begun to rain outside, the women's laughter filled the room.


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