chapter fourteen

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It was her first night back in a normal bed, and Kara was grateful. The sheets were silky soft, the mattress comfortable, the pillows fluffed and perfect. Lena had refused to let her sleep in her own apartment- you basically live at mine anyways- citing that she was still healing- imagine if your wound reopens and no one is there to help you. So Kara relented, and was taken to Lena's apartment as she left the hospital she had become so acquainted with.
It was 3 in the morning, according to the alarm clock, and Kara's eyes flung open. Her first instinct was to scream, because he had a gun, but she immediately bit her lip. Don't wake Lena. She counted her inhales, then her exhales, her blinks, until finally her heart rate was back to normal. You're safe. You're here. It was just a nightmare.
Without shifting in bed, she glanced over at the woman lying next to her. Lena had her arms crossed at her stomach, her chest rising steadily, but-
"Lena," Kara softly muttered, "why aren't you asleep?"
Her eyes were wide open, staring at the ceiling. "I, um, couldn't rest."
Kara rolled on her side to face Lena, careful not to disturb the bandages too much, and stroked her dark, smooth hair. "You're the deepest sleeper I know, Luthor. Tell me what's wrong."
Lena swallowed, listening to the silence drone on against the thick grey walls of the bedroom. "I-I had to make sure you didn't tear your skin while you slept. Before we left the hospital, they told you that it could happen with such a sensitive wound. I just wanted to be safe."
Kara didn't reply, so Lena continued, "I had to make sure you didn't die."
Kara slid closer across the sheets, draping her arm across Lena's stomach. "I'm alright, Lena," she whispered, "you know that."
Without looking over, Lena's eyes became glassy with tears. The silence was screaming as she searched for the words to say it. "It's just... you were gone. For such a long time. Your consciousness wasn't there anymore. And- the last time someone left me the way you did," she choked out, "they didn't come back."
Kara let out a small breath, and then looked up at Lena. "I'm never going to leave you."
Lena took Kara's cheeks in her hands and kissed her nose. "I love you," she mumbled, and then fell back to her pillow. Kara nestled her head in Lena's arms, holding on tight to her body.
Lena forced her eyes shut.
A little girl, caramel hair falling in waves down her back. She clutched the soft, worn cotton of his shirt as they embraced, and she cried. "You can't leave," she whimpered, sniffling, "please."
"I won't, kid," he replied, a faint smile on his face, reaching his tired eyes. "I promise."
He stood up, forcing her to let go of him, and nodded. "I'll be right back."
She shook her head, sobbing, but he was still smiling. "I'll be back soon. I'm never going to leave you, Lena."
He turned the knob on the door, and strolled outside, because nothing was wrong. Everything was normal.
But something was off. She was still shaking her head, and she crawled up onto the sofa and peered out the window. Blue and red lights flashed, cars surrounding the house, and he stood there. Staring out. She couldn't tell if he was still smiling or not.
"Lex!" She screamed, choking for breath and clutching at her heart. "Lex, come back!"
As his hands steadily rose into the air, strong, rough arms took Lena off the couch. Wrestling her down, Lillian growled, "time for bed, Lena."
"Lex!" She screamed again, reaching towards the window, but with her last glance, he was gone.

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