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Setting: School and Hotel

Characters: Brent, Bailey, Matt, Cole, Mrs. Crawley

People would do anything for money which is what bailey parents want. Now that she was adopted by a rich family they are hoping she would give them money, because getting a job with such a bad record is hard and they don't pay to well. Her mother found a guy baileys age that looked as innocent as she did to help them with their plan. Cruel but you see how the people always want to cheat (not only in school).

Cole (the guy who was helping Baileys parents with their plan) was the same age as Bailey. His hair was dirty blond and he had blue eyes. He had acute face but a ugly heart, as well as Bailey parents he was in for the money. But that kinda changed when he saw Bailey he was hopping to see an ugly girl. You couldn't even tell Baileys mom was her mom because she has done drugs and drank alcohol all her life she looked older and ugly, her father was well. Cole didn't fall in love with her but he felt like he would enjoy making this girls life a living hell.


Word goes around fast, most of the school knew what happened to Bailey, she wasn't mad she saw the school was small and boring and not much happened.

As she walked to class she kept an eye on where Brent could be. Once she was in class she notice he was not late but on time sitting on his desk looking blankly at a piece of paper in front of him. During the whole class Bailey couldn't stop staring at him for the first time ever since she came to this school he was paying attention to what the teacher was teaching or at lest that's what it looked like. Once class was over she saw as Brent left the class first rushing down the hall, before she could chase after him Matt showed up.

"Hey hows it going" Matt blocked her way

"Great, I need to find Brent." she pushed pass him and ran down the hall getting looks as she did so.

Matt didn't get why Bailey kept talking and being around Brent when all he was ever done to her his hit her. him on the other hand has been nothing but nice to her. Matt wanted Bailey to see who Brent really is, and that's what he promised him self.

"Brent" Bailey yelled when she thought she saw him opening a door. Brent didn't look back instead kept walking. Once she reached the door she saw Brent was sitting down on a bench lighting a cigarette. "Brent?" bailey spoke soft and slow catching her breath.

The cigar and the smoke coming from Barents mouth reminder her how most of her family died. She hates the smell of it and hates Brent for smoking.

"What do you want?" Brent asked harshly not looking at Bailey and blowing the smoke away from her direction .Bailey aced for his look, she had to admit Brent looked pretty hot smoking. The way he looked with his dark torn jeans and the leather jacket above his white shirt. The sun that was just rising, shined bright making his hair shine and his skin to look a perfect color.

Brent looked her direction with his eyebrow raised. Bailey blinked a few times before asking.

"Why did you try to avoid me." She asked sitting next to Brent and using her hands to cover her nose from the smell of the cigar.

"I didn't..." Brent rolled his eyes. "there is nothing to talk about... that's all." Brent threw the cigar on the floor and stepped on it.

"oh...well what happen yesterday...with the police" Bailey asked scared

"nothing" Brent was quick to answer and stood up. "i think you set all this up, what do you want from me? you told the police it was my plan and now they won't stop watching me." Brent's voice was getting higher and his face was turning red by the moment. His neck veins are popping out and his hands are next to his body made into fists.

Bailey bit her bottom lip and looked away. "LOOK AT ME!" Brent yelled scaring bailey to her feet. "that's what you told them isn't"

"no no but that's what my...family thinks." and that's when Brent slapped her. The slap was hurtful, she didn't think Brent would hit her again, but she was wrong and it hurts. She wasn't able to finish speaking, were she tells Brent that she was trying to convince her new parents that Brent did have anything to do with what had happen.

"Why did you make them think that?" he aggressively grabbed her by her wrists and shook her. "You want to get revenge? cause it sure ain't working." he pushed her to the ground and walking away before letting her speak.

"Brent." bailey called for him. "its not like that.."she waited for him to stop walking. "they think that because of your attitude..." that made brent stop and turn around.

"my attitude is fine." then he turned back walking away.

Bailey stood up and sat down on the bench again.

Why would Brent think I want to get revenge on him? Revenge of what?

The rest of the day Bailey was zoned out she couldn't concentrate on school, she was to busy think about Brent. she hadn't seen him since he walked out on her, which she was glad. her face was a little red from where Brent had slapped her but she hide her face with her hair all day until she got to the hotel.

"Are you okay Bailey?" Mrs. Crawley asked Bailey when they entered the hotels lobby. "You look deep in thought." she added

"Oh..ummm yeah I'm fine." Bailey smiled. "I'm just a bit tired, I guess." Bailey shrugged her shoulders as pressed the elevators button to close the doors.

"If you need to talk about anything we can..okay?" Mrs. Crawley tried

"Okay, but really I'm fine." Bailey assured her once again.


The next day came around quickly, too quickly for Bailey. she barley had time to think of reasons Brent thinks she wants revenge.

Number one ... because he slapped her.

Number two ... because he yells at her.

Number three ... because he has made her life every hard in school.

Those are the only good reasons she came up with and is willing to find out today.

She wore a hot pink sun dress with her silver heels, which where the first pari of shoes she bought when Mrs. Crawley took her shopping for the first time.

She curled her hair in loose curls and applied pink lipstick on her lip, off course after she ate her breakfast and brushed her teeth well.

As Bailey and Mrs. Crawley walked out the hotel they both ran in to cole who had a plate of food and a cup of coffee.

"I'm so sorry." Cole apologized.

"It's okay." Bailey and Mrs. Crawley both said in union.

Mrs. Crawley had just stopped the car in front of the school and bailey felt sick she was so nervous as to how Brent was going to react when she asks him the question she had been dying to ask. She was slow to unbuckle her set belt and step out the car.

Maybe I should ask him after school, so if he hits me I won't have to hide it from the whole school...but what about Mrs. Crawley? ugh! I've got it ill ask him during lunch.

Bailey walked to her locker and walked straight to class. when she stepped in side the class room Brent wasn't there only Matt.

Oh great !

"Bailey! How are you in this beautiful bright morning? is it just me or did this room just got brighter when you stepped in?" Matt greeted Bailey as soon as she quietly sat on her desk.

"I'm great! I think it's my dress, I kinda regret wear such a bright color today!" Bailey sighed.

"It's not bright." Matt spoke. "the color looks great on your pale skin which doesn't make it look to bright." Matt smiled at Bailey which Bailey returned with a small 'thank you'.


I'm Very Sorry !! IK It Took Me 4Ever To Update But I Had Kinda Lost Interest In Writing And I Was Too Busy !

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Pic Of Brent On Side ! !

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