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Characters: Brent, Bailey, Baileys parents

Setting: The Crawley's house

Both Brent and Bailey where both in the back of baileys car tied up. They were forced to speak where to go to get to baileys house. off course not to see or meet the parents but to see what they can steal.

Bailey prayed that Mrs. Crawley would be home and skipped work just like she skipped school. which this would not be likely to happen, Mr.Crawley worked at a easy job and worked from 8-3 and there was no need to not go to work.

As to Brent he wouldn't believe these people. Why had Bailey tricked him like this. Was this the way of getting revenge on him for borrowing her car from her house? because this was bad, he never thought he would be forced to talk by a random women with a gun in her hand.

Once they mad it to the house it was no telling who was at the house. Bailey crossed her fingers hopping the maid was ready with a phone on her hand ready to call the police. Not that anyone would just stand near a door like that.

"Nice nice house Bailey." Her father praised her slapping her back, a bit to hard for her liking. "Do you have the keys?" Her father asked getting out the car stretching his hand out for the keys.

Bailey shook her head looking down at her lap then to Brent who was next to her emotionless. Maybe this is what Brent need to see,so he can change and stop abusing Bailey like he does.

"Why?" baileys father scream unnecessary words at her. all Bailey could do was look down and wait for him to finish yelling at her.

"I get in through the garage!" Bailey blurred out as soon as he took a break for screaming.

"Come!" baileys father pulled her out the car and pushed her to the garage. "type the pin in." with shaking hands Bailey pressed the buttons on the side of the wall to open the garage, her father close behind watching.

Once the garage door opened Bailey was so glad to see the maid cleaning the garage. "hello miss Bailey." the maid greeted Bailey ignoring the fact that she had tear stains on her face probable her fathers hand print from the slap earlier.

"Hi." was baileys simple respond with a small smile. soon baileys mother with Brent next to her joined.

"Would you like something to drink or eat?" The maid asked once again after seen no one talked after baileys small smile.

"Actually it would be better if you shut the F-" baileys father was cut of by the house phone ringing.

"I'll be back." the maid excused her self inside, which baileys father took as a great change to go in the house. he pushed everyone in and closed the garage and locking the door.

Baileys father called some of his friends as his wife fought with Brent.

There was no way brent was going to be tied up in a chair. after baileys father was done talking to his friend to come help him take some things he helped his wife tie Brent up and put him to sleep. he did the same with Bailey and the maid.

After hours going through the whole house Baileys dad was satisfied with what he had stolen and felt leaving the Brent, Bailey and the maid tied up.

It was still not three and no one had showed up to save Brent and Bailey.

Bailey was the first to wake up. She was scared as what she should say when her new parents come. she knows if she tell o. Her father he would get her back and slowly kill her.

"Brent?" she spoke rather soft trying to keep the tears in.

"Yes?" Brent spoke after a few seconds. He felt wick and stupid, he can beat up anyone. He is the strong and bad boy brent but today he was so scared he didn't want to die and he was to shock of who were really baileys parents and where she came from.

"Are you ok?" Bailey asked Brent knowing he probably resisted getting tied up.

"Yeah, are you?" they where facing the opposite direction of the wall in the bathroom.

"I'm fine." that's the fakist answer ever, if that's even an word.

Bailey was broken that thanks to her she has caused so many problems to the Crawley family and to brent as well and not forgetting the poor maid.

After minute of silence Bailey finally heard the door open and voices coming for down stairs.

"She's not picking up the phone" was all she could hear from Mrs. Crawley's conversation, she had forgotten about her phone and her purse but knowing her dad he probable took it as well.

"OH MY! WE HAVE BEEN ROBBED!" Bailey heard her Mrs. Crawley scream from down stairs.

"I didn't get to tell you what I needed to tell you" Brent remembered.

Once again Thank You all!



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