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Settings: school and Baileys house

Characters: Mr.Screws, Bailey and Brent


"Brent why are you late?" I teacher asked Brent as he was once again late to art class.

Bailey had choose to ignore Brent and his date, like if she didn't hear what he said. After all her dad was very special as to who she could date, and Brent wouldn't pass the test.

"Sorry!"Brent said in a annoyed voice walking to the table where he sat yesterday.

Bailey just hoped that everything he said yesterday's afternoon was a joke, Brent was just not......attractive to her. Other girl would fall heads over heels for him but......she has dated guys with a better statues..... a much better one.

"Heyyy, you haven't forgot about our date, right?" Brent placed his hand on Baileys shoulder.

"I don't want to go with you, because your crusty, musty and dusty and I don't even want to know what your D smells like." Bailey was quite annoyed at Brent for saying this once again.

Brent was taken back he had never had a girl reject him this horrible and then leave. She just stood up and left the class.

Brent followed.....or tried to follow Bailey ignoring the yells of the teacher threading to suspend Brent if he didn't come back.

Brent found Bailey sitting on the floor at the back of the school. He approached her carefully. "Why did you run away?" Brent spoke as calmly as he could after running down the stair and around the school.

Bailey covered her face with her hands. She didn't give a penny that her favorite dark blue skinny jeans where getting dirty nor that her white shirt was as well. After all she was sitting on the ground and leaning against the musty school. All she cared about was to leave this flipping school so her life could be normal again. With all the hot boy who were smart and stronger not stupid and weak or strong and stupid.

"I. Don't. Like. You." Bailey chocked out after she could control her self. Brent trying to date her was uncomfortable. She didn't care much about social statues but her parents sure did. Or at lest that's what she thinks.

"Oh." Brent said before he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her up. Bailey was surprised by his actions and didn't look at him but instead looked down.

Brent had seen how his parent always fight, his dad always told the his mother that he loved her. Brent had another way of showing love to someone, that's how he was taught. "Clean you self up because you look disgustingly ugly." Brent pushed her to the wall.

"If I look this ugly then don't take me on a date anymore." Bailey spoke not wiping her tears and standing up straight and confident.

Brent tried to keep his anger in and not explode on Bailey out it was to much when she crossed her arms. He just had to slap her. "You do as I say and look at me when I speak." This time he punched her face. He had a ruff morning with his dad kicking him out the house for not saying 'good morning'.

Bailey fell to the floor due to the impact. This had never happen to her she never thought this would happen to her she saw a movie where the husband abused the wife but just screaming at her and not hitting her but no punching and slapping or KICKING. Her real parent did treat her like this but she thought her husband or boyfriend would treat her like respect. She'd read lots of books about love and this is not love.

Brent kicked her stomach twice before he left. There was so much anger in Brent he couldn't let it all out on Bailey he would kill her and have more anger because he killed someone he......loved? he wasn't sure what love really is. No one had ever giving him love. He just left running. He love to run your freedom your run for passion, for your life or leave to get away.


Bailey left school and drove back home her eye was swollen and her cheek was burning red. Her parents weren't at home but as soon as they showed up she was going to sue Brent for being abusive. But then again there was something about his she was starting to....like?

She got home and placed ice in a bag before locking her self in her room. Bailey examined her face. Brent was right she did look ugly, her hair was messed up, her makeup ruined and her face swollen. This made her cry more as she placed the bag in her eye, which was turning purple.

Her phone started to ring, as she saw the front screen she wanted to kill her self. The screen was cracked, like extremely cracked you could barley read the callers name. She was in so much trouble. The apple companies had gave her and her parents the new iPhone 7s which was not even out yet not until another six months.

"Hello?" She used her best voice she could pull off.

"Am so so so so so sorry!" Bailey didn't know who this was. "Your not ugly your beautiful and pretty and-" BRENT!

"No, bye!" Bailey hung up, how the fruit loops did he get her number.

Am coming over! I am sorry! xx

"I. Hate. You. don't come over!" Bailey whispered into the phone knowing he would answer. She ran down the stairs locked all the door and closed all the windows.

I'll just go on tweeter!

Bailey thought as she turned in her laptop. She had time to pull her hair in a pony tail and cleaned her face. Once she logged in she looked for any recent tweets from her friends.....none. Messages.........98!

She scanned through the messages from all her friends say

@bailey_Crawley are you ok?

@bailey_Crawley babe why haven't you come to school? I would text you but I do t have your number and no one I mean NO ONE wants to give it to me! Please text me back my number it 323-504-7217 xxxxxxxxxx

"Awww he called me babe." This message from nick broke her heart she had a crush in him a LONG LONG long time ago. now she just thinks of his as her brother. there been friends since forever.

She grabbed her phone from her nightstand. just then the door bell rang. she grabbed a hoodie and pulled her hair down to cover the bruises. walking down the stairs she put the sweater on, leaving her phone on her bed.

She ran to the door and unlocked it. "BRENT!" She forgot he was going to come over. She quickly shut the door in his face.

"Bailey!" He banged in the door. "Please let me in." Bailey leaned on the door to heard Brent and to hold the door back. "I'll explain everything." He punched the door again. "I love you." He whispered, Bailey was able to catch his words, the banging stopped.

Bailey pecked through the hole to see him still standing in front of the door with his head low.

I can't let him in no matter how heart broken it is to see him.

Bailey thought trying to prevent her self from opening the door. After two minutes it was enough and she decided to open the door.

"Am sorry!" Brent said while hugging bailey seconds after she opened the door.

"Let's go to this date you were talking about and we can talk about what happen." Bailey pulled him away.

"No!" His face dropped. "Your eye doesn't look to well."

"Who cares? I can cover it with my bangs." She walked up stairs to grab her phone, just in the case her parents called and her purse because he probably doesn't have money.

"Let's go!" She after checking her self in the mirror. She wore no makeup her hair was down and her eyes were red. She looked ugly but not disgustingly ugly. Brent had pretty face and ugly cloths and she has pretty clothes and ugly face, perfect couple.


sorry! Please comment on what you think? This all just came to me one day during school. I'll try to update more often!

(Pic of Brent on side)

Mr. Brent RiveraМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя