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Setting: Hospital, hotel, Crawley's house, and police office

Characters: Mr. and Mrs. Crawley, Bailey, and Cole


Things didn't go well after Baileys mom came home that day, she found three people, one of them being her daughter, tied in the bathroom. She called the police after untying them, who didn't take long to arrive, she also called the ambulance because she could see bailey was getting pale by the second. Soon when the police asked Bailey and Brent what happen, she passed out. While she was taken to the hospital, Brent was asked questions as to who the persons/person had been.

"Look I'm being honest, I don't know who the man or women where that's all I can tell you. They found us and forced us to lead them to the house. They knew Bailys name and she seemed as if she had confuted them before" Brent was going inpatient by the second, the police had asked him lots of question which were ridicules to him, he still thinking this is a game by which everyone is playing along.

Meanwhile at the hospital bailey was waking up, the room's brightness blinded her for a few seconds until everything become clear. She saw her......parents, sitting next to her bed looking bored.

"Bailey!" Mrs. Crawley rushed to her side. "How do you feel?" she added holding baileys hand.

"Did they hurt you...?" Mr. Crawley asked after seconds.

"M' fine." Baileys throat became dry, now was the time she had to tell her adopted parents what happen .Bailey opened her mouth to speak but her mouth was dry and she was glad, she's just remember that if her parents get in trouble because of her, things wouldn't go easy to the Crawley family.

"Do you need water or anything?" Mrs. Crawley offered Bailey, in which bailey nodded. Her adopted father offered to go get a glass of water.

"Is that guy your......boyfriend?" Mrs. Crawley asked when her husband left. Bailey almost laughed at this, instead she bit her lip as she shook her head. Sure Brent was handsome, he just had one or two flows, like the fact that he need help with controlling his anger and to not drink/do drugs.

Mrs. Crawley was disappointed on hearing that bailey didn't have a boyfriend, even though that guy did look like a trouble maker and at the same time a sweet little angle. She was hoping that after he was done getting interviewed by the police that he would run to the room where bailey was and shower her with kisses and 'I love yous'. Seconds later her husband returned with a glass of water and papers in his hand. He handed bailey the water and motion her wife to speak outside in private.

"What's this?" his wife asked when they excused them self's from baileys hospital room. "The police is done with the interviewing the boy, Brent....Rivera"

"What did he say?"

"The police thinks he has something to do with all this not only because of his records but because he was getting aggressive with the police when they asked him if he was sure he hadn't been part of situation."

"it would be better if we asked Bailey who he is to her, I've already asked if it's her boyfriend and she said no." Her parents both agreed to go in and ask Bailey directly who Brent was.

When they entered the room Bailey was setting the glass of empty water on the table.

"Bailey......can you tell us what happen? But first start with who is Brent." Here Bailey is about to lie to her parents.....again.

"What did Brent- my.....friend say?" They were really friends, to her he was just a classmate which she was starting to decouple feelings for even thought he abuses her and to him she was her girlfriend who he 'loves'.

"Nothing really just that he didn't known who the man and women were." Mr. Crawley said reviewing the paper in his hand.

"Well...." Bailey was thinking of a good excuse/ lie to say. "me and my friend, Brent, went out to eat and then......i got blind folded and my hands were tied." She stopped before adding. "I don't know what they did to Brent, anyway they told me to lead them to the house and off course I refuse and they got the GPS instead and that took them to the house. that's pretty much what happen because after that we were tied up." Bailey felt proud of her self it was just a small lie and she was kinda telling the truth just giving it a little twist.

After Bailey felt the hospital her parents took her to the police station where she would have to tell her lie one more time but his time to a police man. As she explained her story once again the police man would interrupt to ask small questions.

"Before you leave I have to ask you, how long have you been friends with Brent Rivera?" the police man stopped her from leaving.

"Less than a month" she answered while thinking why would he want to know about Brent.

"Is he always angry? gets made easly?" the police man asked another question.

"I don't really know him that well but...he doesn't." she lied again, off course he gets mad easily and she at lest thought she knew him but she doesn't. She would like to know why he such a monster but the time will come, unless something happens.

When she gets home from the police interview she calls Brent, hoping he would answer then phone, he doesn't, Bailey sent him a quick message. Since everything (almost everything) was stolen, the family know has to stay in a Hotel while the police investigates the crime for any evidence.


In the morning before Mr. Crawley went to work he asked Bailey if she was feeling like going to school and surprisingly she was.

Bailey got ready for school wearing a simple strapless pink summer dress with a white jean vest with pink flower sandals. her hair was straight with few curls here and there.

After she was ready she waited for Mr. Crawley to get her things together so they could both leave. as she was waiting she went to explore the Hotel, she'd even slept in hotel before. since it was early in the morning not many people were out. she was looking at the drawing on the wall when she bumped into someone.

"Ow!" she yelled rubbing her forehead.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there." the boy in front of her spoke.

"Oh, it's fine." she smile at him, he was cute with a perfect smile showing his braces.

"I'm Cole." he's held out for his hand for Bailey to shake.

"I'm Bailey." She shook his hand, earning another cute smile from him.

"Beautiful name, are you lost?" Cole asked making Bailey blush.

"Oh no, I'm just walking around." she was about to ask something else but Mrs. Crawley called her saying she was ready to go.


Took me a while to update, sorry! 😬

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