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"Damn someone's in a bad mood? Did you lose your phone? Because any room is a panic room if you've lost your phone in it."

"You hung up on me! And how would I be speaking to you if I've lost my phone!?"

"Someone's being a bit of a dramatic hypocrite. Remember the first few times? You hung up on me all those times, so... but it's understandable, plenty would get mad at my absence, so you're forgiven."

"You--- you absolute nonse! Ditt jävla ålahuvud! Släng dig i backen!"

"...okayyy, I'm just going to assume those were words of gratitude. So, how was tis lovely day for you? Wonderful? Terrible? I'm guessing it's the second one, the lack of me in your day would do that."

"Do you not have other insults? You seem to be quite repetitive."

"I do, I just don't want a nice lady like yourself to hear them."

"Right. Maybe you should call someone else to practice your 'nice' insults, because obviously, you need some help."

"... nope, I only want to speak to you."

"Why's that? I'm not anything special. You know of Belinda Emmerson? Right, I'm sure Ms Perfect would love talking to you if you're as attractive as you describe yourself. Though she does have the most attractive boyfriend, you probably know him, Oliver Henderson? Yup."

"Who says I haven't wooed her already?"

"Yo you're actually such a huge hypocrite, you hung up again."


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Do you agree with Mr. Anonymous that Matilda's being a 'dramatic hypocrite'?



Ditt jävla ålahuvud! = You dam eel!

Släng dig i backen! = Throw yourself to the hill – 'Get lost.'

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