Chapter 8- Lunatic

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"Because when he made me shift - I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you. All of you." Scott said. I broke away from them, I needed a moment. I want to be happy that I was right, I just couldn't. This is a lot to take in because it just confirms that Scott and Stiles were in fact hiding something from me.

None of what they told us tonight added up. They told us that it was Derek Hale, but that thing that fell through the ceiling growled at us. It literally chased us. How would Derek be able to break through the ceiling? Whatever it was, it had to have been an animal.

I can't just walk up to them and ask because they will obviously deny it. I need to pretend I don't know anything, I need to gather information from the side. I hope it's nothing bad, but judging from the conversation they just had, how could it be anything good?

And Now...

Chapter 8- Lunatic

"No Scott and Stiles tonight?" My Dad asked as I walked into the house.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Allison broke up with Scott and they are having a boys' night."

I noticed now my dad was putting on his uniform, I forgot he works tonight.

"I' have to get going soon but can you please promise me that you won't do anything that could cause me to worry." My dad asked, I looked at him.

"I didn't plan to run into a murderer." I said as I leaned against the door frame. I can't tell him that there is a chance Derek isn't even the killer, I have no proof.

"I know."

"Then why does it feel like you're blaming me?" I asked.

He sighed. "I know- I know I can't protect you from everything, but I can try. After your brothers died, I've had nightmares where you're next."

I abandoned my spot and crossed the room to get to him. I opened my arms wide and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I know I rarely say this but you be careful too, I can't lose you dad."

He gave me a sad smile and nodded.


"You ready?" Syd asked as we walked up the path to the school.


"Four days off wasn't enough." She agreed.

"I really don't want to be here." I said as I climbed the stairs that would lead me into the place I've dreaded for the past four days.

"What happened that night?" Sydney asked as she reached the doors and held it open for me.

I hesitated to go in. "Scott and Stiles are lying to me. Have been for a while, they just don't know that I know now. Does that make sense?"

Sydney sighed. "I guess, what were they lying about?" She asked, I walked through the doors and we walked side by side.

The Elementalist *Teen Wolf Fanfic (Stiles Stilinski)*Where stories live. Discover now