Chapter 6- Heart Monitor

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"I'm okay." He said as he pulled out an ankle gun.

A gun shot went off and I ducked. That wasn't Sheriff.

The screaming stopped and people started to crowd around Mr. Argent he was standing there with a gun. He walked towards the body that was on the ground.

I averted my gaze to what caused all this panic.

There was a mountain lion laying there with a gun shot through its stomach in a pool of blood.

And Now...

Chapter 6 Heart Monitor

"How is he?" I asked Stiles as we entered our history class.

"He's doing better, just a sprain." Stiles said.

"I'm sorry." I said as I set my bag down on my desk.

"Don't be." Stile started. "My dad told me you stayed with him to make sure he was okay. That means a lot to me."

I gave him a smile and a quick hug before I sat down at my desk. Scott walked into the room and saw us. Stiles sighed and went to sit down at his desk ignoring Scott. What happened to them?

Scott gave me a quick wave before he sat down in the seat behind Stiles and tried to talk to him.

I wish I could hear what they were saying. I only heard Scott say Derek and their little conversation continued. I turned in my seat to face them.

"Derek Hale?" I asked and they both nodded. "He approached me a few days ago, he was asking about the wolf I saw in the woods. I don't know why he would care maybe he's a hunter." I said

Stiles gave me a weird face. "You talked to Derek?"

I nodded. "Jesus." I heard Scott whisper. I didn't get to ask anything else because the bell rang and the teacher entered the room.

*After History*

"I'll see you guys later." I said as I saw Sydney walking down the hall. I waved them goodbye and caught up with Sydney on her way to French.

"Hey Isla." She said.

"Hey...." I said.

"I know that greeting all too well." Sydney said, "What's up?"

"I talked to Scott and Stiles. They aren't hiding anything from me." I said and a smile spread across my face.

"Ahhhhh... That's good. Everything is back to normal?" She asked and I nodded.

"I can't believe I thought they would hide something from me we've known each other since third grade and they are my best friends. I should've trusted them more." I explained and Sydney nodded to show me she was listening.

"Hey, I gotta go class starts in 2 minutes." Sydney said and it was my turn to nod.

"See ya at lunch." She called back.

The Elementalist *Teen Wolf Fanfic (Stiles Stilinski)*Where stories live. Discover now