Chapter 21

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When we left the pit in my stomach returned. My nervousness must have been radiating through my whole body because my horse neighed and bucked his head back protesting the tight grip I had on his reigns. I hadn't even realized how tight I was holding them. My mind was everywhere at once. I found myself wondering what it was going to be like to finally face Maleficent and be rid of her tyranny once and for all. Part of me wondered what it would be like to actually fight. I had never been in any sort of scuffle, or shot anything other than a few deer and rabbits. I knew there was no point to worry about it anymore. It was way too late to freak out or even change my mind. I tried to calm myself but it was no use, the more I tried to keep my mind from it the more I thought of it.

"Aurora?" Robin looked over worried.

"I'm fine, just thinking too hard I supposed. You need not worry."

"Good because we're here. I need you to stay back until we actually get into the castle. When we do, run to the parapet walk or the arsenal tower shoot from above." I nodded. "Aurora," I looked at him squarely "We need you up there. I will send some other archers with you, but we need you up there. Phillip will be depending on it."

"Where will he be?"

"He will be coming from the other end of the castle. We're hoping to meet him at the middle bailey. That is where the witch will be. Don't worry, her men won't be able to fight two fronts. This should be over quickly." I nodded.

"Robin, where are the girls? Marian is setting up to help the wounded and Antoinette is helping her. They will be far from the danger."

"What about Lord Rothstan?"

"I am right here, princess. I will not leave you. Do you have the sword?" I nodded.

"Sword, no, we need your bow. That is why I need you up there."

"No worries Robin, this sword is only to be used on Maleficent. It will not be unsheathed until then." He gave me a puzzled look. "I'll tell you later."

"Right, then, this is goodbye until I this is over." He turned to leave.

"Robin." I called after him.

"Yes," he turned.

"Do me a favor, stay alive. I don't have many friends and I don't need your death on Phillip's conscience." Mine will be heavy enough.

"I will be fine, as long as you get up to that that walk."

"I will, I won't let you down. I shall become your shadow now." He smiled the turned to leave. This was it, this was going to be the final battle. Eleanore will be saved, the war will end, and peace at long last. If I can stay alive long enough to actually end it.

Robin made it over the wall and into the castle. I'd like to say it was quick but in reality we were waiting for our signal for a while. At first it was quiet then I guess as they became more aware that our knights were there more of their soldiers came out to meet us for a fight. I kept hearing screams above the roars and it scared me. There were so many of them. I could see them falling and dying, so many of them. I couldn't even tell if they were part of our group or theirs. I only hoped that Phillip was faring well on the other side.

When we got the signal we walked in a group. Robin ordered the men to circle around me to make some kind of barrier between me and the defenders. We walked quickly in some sort of huddle to the castle. We all had our arrows notched and aimed up, just in case there were some archers up in the parapets or the tower. Some came down and a few of us aimed as best we could with the sun in our eyes, but our arrows flew up and for the moment they stopped flying. Next to the gate the shadow of the building allowed me to see better. I looked to my left quickly and saw two men on the tower aiming their arrows at us. I quickly drew one of my arrows aimed and let it fly. The arrow hit its mark, he dropped his bow and fell. His friend was quicker and the arrow was headed straight toward me. One of the men next to me pushed me a little and held up his shield to block the arrow. When we heard it sink into the shield I nodded to the knight and he lowered the shield just as I shot my arrow.

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