Chapter 7

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Nothing exciting happened further. We all made our way to the lake in relative silence. I spent most of my time speaking with Robin. I found him to be not only to be a good converser but a good listener as well. He was funny and charismatic. If Phillip wasn't in the picture I feel that I could have easily fallen for Robin. If Phillip wasn't in the picture I feel like I would have felt less guilty about Robin. Not only was I stringing him along in this game by letting him to continue to court me, but I was also making Phillip angry. He didn't say anything, but I could feel his glare boring through my back as we rode.

Antoinette and Robin told stories most of the meal. They were both entertaining and I have to admit that by the end of the day I found Antoinette more bearable to be around. She was amusing in her own right. She just loved to talk, even if it was just nonsense. Phillip was quiet most of the outing. Robin, well Robin was his normal charming self. I could see now why Marian was so enamored by him. She stayed attentive the whole evening, smiling and giggling whenever he said something. He liked the attention too.

It made me wonder. That outburst of hers earlier and her initial reaction when Flora introduced us before wasn't because she was just enamored with the charming Lord. She was in love. She had to have known him before we met at the castle. There had to have been some sort of agreement or words passed between those two. She didn't strike me as one who would pointlessly flaunt her affections to someone who she wasn't sure would return her affections. Yet, Robin didn't let on at all. There was nothing that I could see to show me he likewise cared for her. Perhaps he was better at hiding it, or perhaps I was reading too much into the whole situation.

"My lady, is there anything you can't do?" Robin mused as he saw my arrow sink into the tree trunk right next to his.

"Apparently ride a horse competently." I answered sheepishly. He chuckled as did the others in the group. I even saw Phillip snicker a little.

"I can teach you, if you like." Robin came close and nudged my elbow higher.

"Thank you Robin, but I'm afraid that I am a fickle one to teach." I fixed my aim and let the arrow loose. Robin took my place, aimed at the tree and sliced my arrow in two. It went right down the middle. I stood dumbstruck staring at the tree. I had never seen anyone do that. Not even Mary, and she was a great marksman. I looked back to Robin surprised.

"I'm a great teacher." He said with a cocky smile.

"The lady said she didn't want the lessons, Lord Braumpton, leave her be." Phillip retorted. He took the bow from Elanore and aimed at the tree. His arrow landed right next to Robins. "Would you like to engage in a little wager with me Lord Braumpton?"

"Depends, your highness, what is the wager?"

"Whoever can shoot down three birds first while on horseback wins."

"Only three, your highness?"

"You want to raise the stakes? Alright Brampton, how does six sound?"

"I accept your challenge. What shall the prize be?"

"The winner will have the privilege of escorting Lady Aurora to dinner tonight." My eyes widened. I knew he was going to stake something outrageous, but that was more than I expected. If he won and walked in with me on his hand that would be one of the greatest scandals since one of Antoinette's stories that she was always blabbing about. Everyone turned to look at me.

"Your highness, I hardly think that would be appropriate." Robin answered.

"Fine, the winner will have the pleasure of escorting her to her chambers. That way no one other than the maids know who is with her." Phillip tried. I looked to Robin who was mulling it over.

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