Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

After my talk with Elanore I felt that I knew Maleficent just a little more. According to a man by the name of Sir Francis Bacon, knowledge was power and I have to say I agreed with him. The more I knew what I was supposed to face the better chance I had, or so I thought. It turned out that Maleficent was so much more powerful than I could have even imagined. It turned out I knew nothing about how powerful Maleficent was.

What could my father have done to her that made her angry enough to curse his only child. What would someone who had no one in the world other than her father and mother have to lose? Was she alone? Was what Elanore told me rumor, or lie? Or, perhaps, was it a rumor stemmed from a lie to make the guilty feel better? There was only two people who would know for sure. And there was only one who had anything to lose had the truth been something different. There was no going around it I was going to have to speak with my parents.

"Uncle— no father." He stood from his chair at a table full of parchments. "Sorry, I think I'm still a little confused at what to call you."

"It's alright," he chuckled "you've been calling me uncle for most your life I would expect there to be some oddness in calling me by something else. What can I help you with? Is Robin neglecting his duties?"

"No, of course not. He is actually frighteningly good at his job."


"I came here for another matter."

"It's not Phillip is it? I don't think I can persuade Hubert to—"

"Oh, no, nothing like that."

"That is a relief. What is it you want then?"

"I honestly don't quite know how to ask."

"Nay, do not be nervous. You can ask me anything. I am an open book."

"It's about Maleficent."

"I'm not telling you of the curse." He said curtly and turned back to the table and tried to look busy.

"I already know about the curse. I want to know about her, Maleficent, I want to know if what I heard is actually real or if, in fact, it is fiction."

"No." He looked at me with a seriousness I had never seen then went back to looking over the parchments.

"You said I could ask you anything."

"You can, you can ask me anything but that. You need not know anything about that witch."

"May all do respect father I believe I do need to know and a right. I am, after all, the person in which she has placed her curse upon."

"We are taking care of that. You need not fear the curse. Who was the imbecile who told it to you anyway. I should have him whipped."

"I asked them to tell me and it was right that they did. I need to know what is going on. You cannot keep me in the dark about this. You cannot simply keep me ignorant about something thinking it will protect me, it won't. It is my life that is in danger and it is you who is putting it in jeopardy by keeping me in the dark."

"Show a little respect young lady, and watch how you speak to me." He was clutching the parchment in his hand so hard.

"My apologies, but I do feel I have a right to know."

"Well, you are wrong to feel that way. You have no business knowing." The door opened making us both startle and look at the intruder.

"Stephan, you should tell her." My mother walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

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