Chapter three

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I was waken by maids who came rushing into my room. They rushed in a flurry and scoured the room. One opened the small chest that was at the foot of the bed and brought out a set of snowy white undergarments that were most likely made of linen. She pulled out another garment, a dress, it was light blue with a white bodice it was garnished with silver. The sleeves were long and bloomed open at the wrist. It looked so extravagant, it certainly wasn't mine. I had never worn, or even owned anything that lavish.

"Are you ready to dress my lady?"

"I—well, yes, but that is not mine."

"Oh but 'tis my lady."

"Believe me I know what dresses I own and even better the ones I have brought and that wasn't among them."

"My apologies my lady these garments are a gift from your uncle. He would like you to wear them throughout the duration of your stay." The other maid said.

"Oh, alright." I waited for them to leave the room.

"M'lady you need to get out of bed so we can dress you."

"I believe I can manage myself, thank you."

"M'lady 'tis not proper for you to dress by yourself, you need our help to dress properly." I sighed. To be honest I certainly didn't wan them to dress me. I never had them before what was so different about now, besides that I was staying at the castle. They circled around me pricked and prodded at my hair, and began to tug this and that on my gown. They were quiet while they did their work. I kept wondering if I should say something, but never did. The awkward silence only stretched. Then one of the maids began piling my hair up on my had and grabbed a head piece with double horns that were made from beads that attached to a veil.

"Oh no, please don't put that on me."

"I have to m'lady 'tisn't proper for you to be out without one."

"Do me this favor please, just arrange my hair nicely."
 "M'lady I would like nothing more than to abide by your request, but we are under orders from your uncle." I grimaced at the piece in her hands.

"Alright." I sighed. They separated, twisted and braided different parts of my hair then gathered it up into the head piece. The beads swirled around the two buns on either side of my head. A single strand went across my forehead and disappeared into my hair on either side of my forehead. I wasn't terribly pleased that I was forced to wear it, but my uncle had done a great deal for me and my godmothers throughout the years. So, I wore it if only to please him.

The girls came to my chambers not long after I finished dressing. They oohed and awed over my dress and hair. I made my thanks as sweet as I could but I couldn't really care less. I saw dozens of people mill about the castle yet there were still no signs of Nami. I could really use her right now. She always told me everything with honesty.

"You actually look like a lady. One could say that you almost look lovely." Phillip taunted from behind me.

"Well that does it then, I'll just have to march back into my chambers and demand to wear my usual attire." I gave him my best sassy look. He was wearing a short tunic and a leather vest that favored his medium build. His sword was strapped to his waist and his brown hair, which was cut short, was bit of a curly mess. I thought the look suited him.

"Oh please don't deny the world on my account."

"You know prince Phillip?" Antoinette said in wonder.

"Since when were you a prince?"

"All my life dear Ari, now why don't you introduce me to your friend here?"

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