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There I was, laying on the floor just as the prophecy predicted. Phillip was screaming something unrecognizable while hovering above my body. I could hear him alright but it sounded like a far away echo, his words blurred. Funny thing was I could see him and I could hear him, but I couldn't feel him even though I knew he had me cradled in his arms. I knew I wasn't dying. I was trapped in my own body. Whatever the witch did to me left me unable to move, speak, or even breath it seemed like. Yet, I was still alive. 

I could see the knights beyond Phillip's head as they fought the enemy just beyond us. Part of me hoped he would snap out of it soon, his men needed him to lead and fight with them or else they would never get out of here. Still part of me wanted him to keep holding me and looking at me with those beautiful hazel eyes for a little while longer.

Who knew my childhood bully would one day be the man I was destined to fall in love with. Of course the old witch knew. It was her fault we were here right now, both the curse and the prophecy were of her making. I wonder if Phillip was just another part of her grand scheme? I shouldn't think of it. Mary, one of my godmother's, would tell me I was being silly giving the witch more power than she actually possessed.

Ahh— my godmother's, they hid me for as long as they could. They both protected me and taught me how to protect myself. Flora was the eldest, and by far the mother hen of the group. She fretted over me from the time I was a babe. Fiona was the second eldest, she was the soft one. If ever I wanted to do something that I knew the others wouldn't approve of I would ask for her permission instead. Mary was the baby, the rebellious one according to the elder two, but to me she was the fun sister. She took me out into the woods every day and taught me how to throw daggers, use a bow, and even wield a sword. I hated the sword, but she told me it might come in handy one day. Perhaps if I listened to her I could have changed this fate.

No, I couldn't have changed this any more than I could have changed the fact that I had to leave the castle at a mere few days old and be raised in the country by my godmothers instead of my parents. Not everything is in my power to change things. As Flora would tell me, God choses the grand scheme of our lives. He may let us chose the paths that we would like to take to get there, but it is ultimately his plans for us that prevail. Flora was right, perhaps God intended for me to take this road. Perhaps this was the only way to rid the kingdom of the witch. If that is true then everything in my life was leading up to this moment. I could see it now, it all started to unravel from the time of my sixth birthday. 

AuroraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora