I Blame You

370 15 7

Kisumi's POV

I wake up with a stretch, smacking my jowls together as I slowly get up from the rug on the floor. It's strangely quiet.. I mean, yes, it's a weekend and we don't have school. But River's usually already woken us and forced us to eat breakfast. Maybe she just had a long week. Smiling to myself, I transform and look over at Kyoya who's still in a deep slumber.

Psh. Lazy.

I go to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and throwing on a white Oxford shirt and jeans. Making sure my ears and tails are hidden, I walk out into the hall, seeing Maid Maria walk by. "Ah, Miss. Have you seen Onaji this morning?"

"O-oh! Um.. Mistress Onaji went for a walk this morning." Maria bows, "She hasn't seemed to return yet. I apologize, sir."

"Thank you." I nod her off, and step into Onaji's room. A smile reaches my lips as I see her clothes messily thrown on the ground. She's such a clean freak, but slacks on her room. Looking around, her wig was laid out on the dresser, and the bed was still messy. Humming slightly, I walk back out and down the hall, heading outside.

Onaji should be home soon, to wake up Kyoya. So I go to the garden and sit on a stone bench, watching the hedges sway in the breeze. I yawn, resting my chin in my hand.


It's been a couple hours and she still hasn't returned.. Growing suspicious, I look behind me to see Kyoya walk up.

"Where's Ona?" He asks, sitting on a bench across from me.

"Maria said she went for a walk early this morn'. But she hasn't come back yet.." 

"I knew something was a little off." He chuckles, pushing up those snarky glasses. "It was quite strange having a maid wake me up instead of her."

"Don't you think we should look for her?" I question as he casually leans back. My mind is already racing to many possibilities. 

"Ona's a responsible 17 year old woman. She can take care of herself. Maybe she spent the day by herself."

"You're brushing this off like it's nothing. Call her or something." 

"Her phone was left on the nightstand in her room. She forgot it." He responds. "Let's just give it some time, maybe until the afternoon. And we'll go from there."

I huff, glaring at him lightly as he walks back to the mansion. Looking back at the hedge, images flash through my mind of the Inugami laboratory and torturing. Shaking my head, I sigh, gazing at the hedge longingly.


"Alright it's going on 5pm." I push Kyoya's shoulder. We were in our bedroom, talking. "And she's not here."

I see Kyoya's eyebrows scrunch up in concentration. Tapping a pen on his desk, he opens his laptop and begins typing quickly. "Uh, hello? You gonna respond to me or not. Our love is missing and all you're doing is typing on that dumb thing." I glare at him.

"Oh shut it Kisumi. I'm checking the backgrounds of the Ootori staff to see who're in the need of money."

"So you think that one of your staff turned her in!?" I shout, rage rising inside of me. 

"I suppose it's a possibility..." He trails off, pursing his lips.

"Oh, 'I fully trust the Ootori Staff' what happened to that?" I inquire, remembering what he said at the fair. "Well apparently someone had the nerve to turn her in!"

"Why are you blaming me?" Kyoya asks, printing out paper as he stands up to turn to me.

"Oh jee, I wonder. The rich guy in the city who told his entire family household that he's dating an Inugami. Everyone in Japan knows how hunted we are! Of course i'm blaming you!" I push him back, enraged.

"Well I have a list of the people on staff who're in need of more money. The first one on my list, is Maria."

"Maria? I talked with her this morning." I scowl, glaring at the ground. "I knew she seemed weary. Ugh!" I stomp on the ground. "She's the one who turned River in, I know it!"

"Kisumi, would you calm down? We'll figure this out." Kyoya says, pulling his phone out.

"Oh who're you calling now." I ask irritated.

"Tamaki. He'll bring the rest of the host club over. We can all search together." 

I pace the room in agitation, thinking of what could be happening to her.

"Well this is our chance to save Ona's father as well as her." Kyoya looks over at me, and I sigh.

"I blame you fully. But what's the plan."

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in AGES, i've been really busy with a move and stuff and I needed to come up with a complete plot (Which I now have~) but this is somewhat just a filler chapter. The next one will include torture, sorrow, and trust.

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