Home Restored

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Ah it's morning! Today's the day! The sun is shining , the tank is clean, and we are getting out of-! The tank is clean?!

I laugh to myself, stretching out on the end of Kyoya's bed. Even though I have my own room, I still sneak in at night. After his first alarm goes off, I instantly wake up and get ready. Master Kyoya doesn't wake until the third alarm goes off. Transforming to my human form, I step into the shower and wash myself, using Herbal Essence shampoo and conditioner. I wasn't lying though, today's the day~ I've decided to show my true self to Kasanoda. I'm bringing all of the flowers he's given me to school, they're currently tucked safely in my bag. 

"Alright i'm awake!" Kyoya's voice shouts from the other room, and I smile softly. The alarms turn off and I hear shuffling as he gets changed and ready for school. Putting on my wig and stuffing a change of clothes in my bag, I head downstairs to get something to eat. I wanna try and bake something for the club today, and I have an idea in mind.

"Good morning Master," I smile as he trudges into the dining room and sits down. A moment later, Maria places a plate of delicious looking food in front of him. "Sleep well?"

"Fine, and you?"

"Swell~" I hum, finishing my own breakfast a moment before Kyoya does. We both rise from our seats and head for the limo out front. I've gotten used to the car ride now, but it still makes me feel uneasy. Ever since Tamaki has played that song in the club room, i've been humming it to myself, too.

We get to Ouran and walk through the gates, heading into the pink building. Heading to first period, the moment Kyoya and I walk in, girls surround Kyoya and Tamaki twirls me around. "T-tamaki stop it!" I laugh, and he sets me down, apologizing. As the teacher walks in, we immediately take our seats and she begins her lecture. 

After classes, lunch, and more long classes, we're finally at the host club. Going into my little kitchen, I change into short jean shorts with a knitted sweater that falls off of my shoulders. Adjusting my wig, I wash my hands thoroughly and start working.

(this is an actual recipe, so i'm just going to put it below, kay? XD This is the original recipe, if you just want to make it for yourself I greatly suggest halving it!! You'll never finish this by yourself! It's Raw Cookie Dough without eggs, so you can eat it raw and not cook it)

Ingredients - 
1c + 2 TBSP of flour
1/2 tsp of baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 c of butter
6 TBSP sugar
6 TBSP brown sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 c of chocolate chips
Small amounts of water

I decide to make this a double batch since i'll be serving a lot of people. I mix the butter and sugars together first, before adding the remaining ingredients besides water. Once it turns crumbly, I add water 1 tsp at a time until it gets to where I want it. Smiling at my cookwork, I grab a cookie dough baller, and make them into small serving sized balls, piling them neatly onto a plate. 

"River, Kisumi come here!" Mum shouts from inside. We both look at each other and run in, tumbling over one another.

"Come have a snack~" She smiles, her dazzling green eyes twinkling as she puts two bowls on the island counter. "Ah ah, but first you must wash up. No dirty bodies at this table, hear me?"

"Yes ma'am!" We chorus, running to the bathroom to wash our paws/hands. Coming back, we sit and devour our delicious cookie dough treat.

I shake my head to rid myself of my stupid memories. Hiding my tails, I grab the plate and step out of the kitchen. All of the hosts were already entertaining many cream puffs. I should make those one of these days.. Giggling to myself, I walk around to the tables, offering my treat.

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