He forgot me!

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"Master Kyoya, please, I would rather not wear.. that." I say as I inch away from this hideous yellow thing. I can't even call it a dress.

"You have to wear it to go to school Onaji." Kyoya says, sighing while pushing up his glasses.

"But I don't wanna go there either!" I whine, my ears going down. "Why can't I just stay here and be a wolf? You know I can't hide my ears and tails, so how is this going to work anyway?"

"If you wear the dress, your tails will be hidden, as for the ears. You will have to wear a wig." I can't help but huff in annoyance. Since Kyoya figured out I was part human, he's been totally different around me. When his father came back from work that day, we had to explain the whole thing to him. It took Kyoya forever to convince him to let me continue staying here. Now, his father demands that I attend school with him.

"I've never been to school before Master. Do I have to go?"

"Yes you have to go." Kyoya says sternly, and glares at me. "Now just put on the uniform and we can leave." Grudgingly, I grab the dress and tell him to turn around so I can change. I just put the dress on over my normal clothes. "Alright now we need to leave, the car is out front."

"I thought school didn't start until eight?" I ask, looking over at the clock that's flashing 7:15am.

"I need to check on the club room first. We're running low on sweets and I need to order more." He says briskly, grabbing his laptop and notebook, putting them in his bag and then grabbing that too. Kyoya grabs my hand and drags me out to the car. 


"The wig is in the limousine already, just get in. I'm already late."

"Okay okay.." i internally sighed and climb into the car. This is the first time i've been in one... i look around at everything, the leather seats, refreshments, the scent is strange too. I put on the wig and instantly feel my ears twitch in irritation. Once the car begins to move, I tense up. The vibrations feel weird and it's creepy. Whining quietly, I hug onto Kyoya's arm.

"What is it Onaji?" Kyoya asks, a note of worry in his voice as he looks down at me.

"This is the first time i've been in a car.. I-i don't like the feeling of it as it moves." I mumble, an embarrassed blush forming on my cheeks.

"Really?" He asks, giving me a small look. I hear him sigh, and he puts his arm around my shoulders, tugging me closer. "You'll be fine.."

Once we get to school, Kyoya removes his arm and gets out of the car, holding the door for me to climb out as well. Stepping out, I look up at Ouran... it's PINK. Why in the hell would people paint a building, a school at that, pink!? 

"Master Kyoya-"

"It's what the chairman decided to paint the school." He replies, reading my thoughts. Creepy... "Here, take this." Kyoya hands me a bag, similar to his. I look inside it to find a few notebooks, pens, and pencils. "You'll need them for class." He walks into the school, with me trailing behind him. There aren't very many people here yet, but the few who are, look at Kyoya with blushes, and then look to me with glares.

"Ne, Master, why are they glaring at me?" 

"Simple jealousy really." Kyoya says, going up a flight of stairs.

"You do realize I will be lost in this school.. right?" I ask, lightly grabbing the back of his blazer as we go through a small group of people.

"You'll be fine. In your bag is a map of the school." After a few more minutes of walking, and another flight of stairs, Kyoya opens a door that's labeled Music Room 3. Walking in, it smells strongly of roses, sweets, and a bit of dust.

"What's this room?" I ask, letting go of his blazer and looks around. There's dust everywhere...

"This is the clubroom, after school Tamaki and I run a host club here." Kyoya explains, pulling out a chair and sitting down, getting out his laptop.

"Annd what're you doing?" I ask, going over to him, I feel my tails wagging underneath the dress.

"Ordering sweets for Huni-Senpai."

"Isn't he the short one who smells like cake?" I ask, remembering him when I rushed out of the bush on the day those people attacked father and me.

"Yes, now please stop asking questions, I need to work." 

Letting him have his privacy, I stay quiet and let him do his thing. I walk around the room, observing how everything is set up, like in stations. Noticing a side room, I go over and open the door. Why is there a kitchen connected off of a music room? Shaking my head, I look around in there too. The cupboards and drawers are filled with typical utensils and things, and ingredients. The fridge has a cake in it, and there's some cookies on the counter. Looking around me to see if anyone's around, I take a cookie and eat it, smiling to myself.

I don't realize the time slip away, and once I go back out to the music room, Kyoya's gone and the lights are off. Did he leave me? He forgot about me!  Pouting, I pace around the room.  He probably just got too busy and I slipped his mind? Sure that's it.. I don't have many choices.. I could attempt to go and find him, or stay in here. He did say that he comes here after school. And if I stay in here, I won't have to go to class. 

Smirking, I go and turn the lights back on, taking off the uniform (she's now wearing the pic at the top). Wait, what am I going to do for hours? I don't know how long school lasts..  Shrugging it off, I decide to clean the room. I'm not saying it's dirty. But I notice dust in the corners and cobwebs under the coffee tables. The windows have smudges. Yes, I lived in a cave, but it was the cleanest cave ever. And that's what I plan on making this room to be.

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