Could Be Dangerous (Destiel)

Start from the beginning

I hop in my car and drive off to school.

* * * * * *

In math Castiel sits in front of me. Like I said before, he has never acknowledged me, no one really has.

At the end of the class our teacher-Mr.Fitz-came over to me.

"Dean you have failed your math test, again." Mr.Fitz says, placing my test on my desk, which has a F written in red pen on it. "You will fail this class if you keep getting these grades Dean. I suggest getting a tutor or staying after school to work." He says, then turns and walks back to his desk. Castiel, who was still sat in his seat, turns around. "I can tutor you if you'd like." He says. I shake my head. "Nah I'm good." I say grabbing my stuff and standing up. As I walk out the classroom Castiel follows me. "Dean, you need help you're failing, I can help you bring up your grade." He says. He follows me all the way to my locker saying crap like that. I turn around, looking at him. "Why are you all of a sudden so interested in me?" I ask. "Because you seem interesting and I want to get to know you." He says. "Interesting? What makes you think I'm interesting?" I ask. "I don't know. You act all mysterious, don't talk much, stuff like that." He says. "Hmm. Well I am not interesting." I say, fumbling with my locker's lock. "Interesting people tend to say that." He says, watching me. I glare at him. "What? They do." He says, in defense. I roll my eyes. "Anyways, tutoring." He says, getting back on the subject. "At your house or?" He asks. "I don't need you to tutor me." I say. He stares at me with a blank face,  his expression reads; 'really?'.

I look into my locker and sigh. "So where will we study, your house or somewhere else?" He asks. After a few seconds of thinking I shake my head 'no'. I can't have him come over, he'd ask too many questions and might see all the hunting stuff we have. "Okay, the park it is." He says. I wonder why not his house. "Is Saturday good for you?" He says. I look back at him. "Er I'll see. What's your number so I can text you?" I say, it coming out more awkwardly then I meant. He reaches in his half-opened bookbag and grabs a paper and pen. He presses the paper to the locker next to mine and starts writing a number on it. "Here." He says handing it to me. I take it and fold the paper up and shove it in my pocket. "Will you be here tomorrow? I notice you skip school a lot so..." He asks. "Er no, I won't."I say. "Oh, how come?" He asks. I shake my head. "Nothing. Just got to do stuff." I say. "What 'stuff'?" He asks, curious. "Uh...I got to go, I'll text you if I'm free saturday." I say then quickly leave the school, leaving Castiel behind.

* * * * * *

Friday me and Sam went to help dad on a case a few towns over. We didn't get much done, just helped him with research. I think it's a shapeshifter but dad says he doubts it. I asked him for the day off Saturday, he said he didn't care.

I text Castiel Friday night when I get home.

D: I am free tomorrow. What time do I go to the park?

D: Also what park?

C: Two? Also the park next to school.... I want to say it is called Elm Park?

D: Oh ok, that one. And sure that's fine.

C: Yeah, that one.

D: Well, bye.

Saturday afternoon I get dressed and ready. I leave the house at one fifty-five, getting there at two ten.

I find Castiel sitting on a bench, which is covered with shade produced by the tree branches above it. It's a bright, warm, sunny day, very few clouds in the sky.

I walk over to him, tugging at the strap of my book bag that is slung over my shoulder.

"Hey, you showed up. I was starting to think that you wouldn't come." He says looking up at me. "Why would you think that?" I ask, as I sit down and take out my math book. "'Cuz you were trying to get out of it in the first place." He says. "Oh, well, I came." I say, sighing. "Shall we get to work?" I ask. He nods then grabs his math book.

After a few hours of working Castiel suddenly closes his math book. "Y'know what would help? If you didn't skip so many days of school, and actually paid attention." He says. "This is almost pointless. I would literally have to re-teach the whole year to get it through your head." He says, groaning. "Great. I'm going to fail." I mutter. "God, sorry I didn't mean for it to come out that way. I can be a real bitch sometimes.." He says. "No. It's fine, you were just saying the truth." I say. After a moment of silence he says; "You could actually.... do it. It would just take a lot of work." He says, looking over at me. I shake my head. "Highly doubt it." I say. "Can't you at least give it a shot?" He asks. "You are really pushy." I say. He smirks. "Fine. I'll let you try to help but, if it doesn't work then we stop. Okay?" I ask. "Okay." He says.

We both were hungry so I went to buy us some food at the nearest gas station. I come back with two sodas, two bags of chips, and a small bag of donuts. When I sit down, I look over at Castiel who is writing something on a piece of paper. "Here ya go." I say handing him a bag of chips and a soda. He takes them. "Oh, I guess I should've mentioned I don't drink soda." He says. "Yeah that would've been helpful. Why don't you?" I say. "Cause it's unhealthy." I snort. "Really? That's your reason?" I ask, looking at him. "Yeah! It's pure sugar, it's gross." He says. "Fine then, I'll take yours." He hands it over. "What you working on?" I ask, pointing to the paper.

"Oh, yeah. So, you go to the café in town every Thursday morning right?" He says. "How'd you know?" I ask, kinda freaked out. "That doesn't matter. Am I correct?" I nod, taking a sip of my soda. "Okay, so every Thursday morning we'll meet up there, grab some coffee-or not-and I'll tutor you before school. We'll also study every Saturday at two, here. And any other days we want to. Also you'll be staying after school to work with Mr.Fitz. That's the plan, if it's okay with you.?" He says, handing me the paper. "Er, I guess?" I say scanning over the paper then tucking it in my backpack.


Gahh sorry for taking so long to upload this fic! But what do you think so far? Will you continue reading? I really hope you like it. <3

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