Alicia & the Demon [18+]

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The flames of the candles rose in the air as they changed into a color combination of white, intense gold and black. The neighborhood dogs began to bark seconds before strong bursts of wind hit the windows. However, despite being tightly closed, an icy wind took over the room causing the candles' flames to wave, almost fading out.

Alicia shivered and involuntarily rubbed her arms, trying to exorcize the cold out of her body. She sighed deeply and held the grimoire tighter. Inside the circle of salt, the runes lit with that strange white, gold and black fire. The floor in the center cracked, letting a black vapor emerge and began to spin inside the mystical mineral cage.

"Enough, Avalon. Show yourself in human form," she ordered, but fear crept into her voice making it sound like a plea.

The brunette heard his diabolical laugh mocking her weakness. That demon lived to antagonize her since she summoned him a few weeks ago. Apparently the existance of a book detailing the correct way to summon and dominate him was impossible in his mind; so he always try to heal his hurt pride in the only way he could: tormenting her.

Alicia closed the grimoire, cradling it to her chest as her devil took his new shape in the most grotesque possible way... as if a person was being formed before her eyes. He continued the process until an Orlando Bloom-Legolas appeared in front of her without a single piece of clothing on sight.

"What do you want from me this time, my love?" he asked with a faint smile on his lips as some blond strands finished braiding on their own.

The girl felt the heat seize her face but she couldn't take her eyes off the body in front of her. So perfect with those noticeable muscles and a skin that gave the impression of being silky smooth. She saw him smiling openly, and it was then that she realized how easy he could distract her; she had momentarily forgotten her reason for summoning him.

Damn you for taking on the appearance of my favorite character!

Forcing herself to keep her eyes on that elven face that had invaded her fantasies more than once, Alicia frowned but didn't ask the creature to adopt another form.

"I wish you only respond to my summons and deal with me from now on." Her eyes widened and her voice became sensual. She got wet all over only by thinking of how close she was to obtaining her life's greatest treasure: a demon of her own. "No more contracts with other people. Avalon, Prince of illusions and master of deception, I command you to be solely and exclusively mine."

The demon's smile faded at once, his face becoming serious as his eyes sclera changed to scarlet and his irises turned bright yellow. The same abnormally bright eyes he'd shown her the day she met him, about two months ago.

That day Alicia had been cleaning the house she shared with her parents while they were traveling. Mopping the marital room's floor she noticed a hollow tile and to her surprise found an old book bound in leather whose corners were decorated with metal embossed under it.

Reading its pages full of pagan spells and rituals, she found a section devoted to demonic summonings. Page after page nothing caught her attention until her fingers stopped over one titled "fortune demon."

It all began at that moment.

The emptiness and inferiority that Alicia's parents had helped create by pampering her older sister fueled the desire for money and power that Avalon awakened in her. At first she only asked for small things like new clothes and shoes, a computer, money for college expenses, but then everything began to degenerate into a turbulent spiral of pure greed.

"The price for what you ask is a steep one." Avalon's deadly tone brought her back to the present. "Are you willing to pay for it?"

In what world does he live? I allowed him to kill my parents and leave my sister in a coma, of course I am willing to pay anything to ensures he obeys only me.

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