Under the Sands

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"I have traveled through the tomb, dark and lonely ground. I am here now. I have come. I see."

From the Book of the Dead

From the Book of the Dead

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The winds howled when its currents passed through the dark gap in the stone

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The winds howled when its currents passed through the dark gap in the stone. Logic told her to wait until the next day to enter the tomb but eagerness adviced against it. If she left the sandstorm coming in a few hours would cover all of her men's  hard work, sending them back to square one. So it was either enter in that moment or wait a few days, maybe a week, to do it; Tessa preferred to do it that day.

"Are you sure about this?" Her partner— a dark skinned man in his late forties— asked her, worry creasing his brow. "Sandstorms are unpredictable and the wind is already picking up speed."

"Don't worry, Amun! I will be in and out of this hole before you can say: 'I found King Narmer'. You'll see everything will be okay." She reassured her friend and tested the harness before tightening the bonds of her tools. "Besides, I am armed with a chisel and a flashlight to battle with the armies of mummies. Nothing bad will happen to me."

The man sighed, ignoring her little jest, and helped her sit on the edge of the gap while the workers prepared to lower Tessa into the darkness of an unexplored Egyptian tomb. She winked at him one last time and slipped between the crevice, disappearing from view in a couple of minutes.

The descend was a little bumpy and she had to yell at the men outside to keep it steady a couple of times but she ended reaching the floor in one piece. She announced her well being to the figure that peeked from above while unhooking the ropes and grabbed the flashlight to start exploring.

Her jaw dropped when she waved the light illuminating all around her. "I found it." She whispered from the shock. "I found it! We found it! This truly is Narmer's tomb, his deeds are painted all around me!" Tessa shouted, running below the hole and shielding her eyes from the sun to see the shadow of Amun.

"Then hook the ropes at your harness, we are pulling you out."

"No! I want to observe some more." And she vanished, returning to the wall where it was depicted Egypt's unification. How was all this possible when Narmer was the first Pharaoh of the first dynasty?! They only dug holes in the dirt to bury their dead at that time! Then, why was she standing inside a tomb that, for the decorating and architectural style, must have been constructed on the 19th dynasty?

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