♛chapter fifteen♛

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Author's Note: Thank you so much for 1K reads to everyone who has read this story!! It means a lot that people are reading and enjoying this story so here is a special update!!

Clarke's POV

Murphy and I burst through the hospital doors, quickly realizing our surroundings of other patients and visitors. Trying to catch our breath, we walks up to the front desk.

"Bellamy Blake. We were told he was being taken here just a few minutes ago. Is he here?" Murphy worriedly asks, placing a hand on the counter.

The lady behind the desk tells us to wait a moment and files through her computer, "He just came in through the ER, looks like he's been immediately transported to ICU."

Just as we were about to go find the ICU, the lady puts a hand up and stops us from going, "I'm sorry but visitors are allowed until 48 hours of being admitted to that wing and it's direct family only."

Murphy and I look at each other and he turns to the lady, "How will we know if he's okay or not though?"

She stands up and walks around to the desk, motioning for us to follow her, "There's a waiting room down the hall, I can put you guys there and I'll place you on his Notify List, so if anything happens, you will be told."

We thanked her and took a seat in the waiting room that we were shown. There were only 5 other people in there, 2 of them looking over middle age and a couple sitting with their kid.

I hated hospitals, they always freaked me out but luckily, I never had to spend much time in one.

Murphy had his elbows on his knees and rested his head in his hands, one leg bouncing a little. I could see how worried he was about Bellamy by just the way he looked.

The people around us in the waiting room came and went, some times new people coming in or some just leaving to go on a food run to the cafe. After about 2ish hours of sitting there, the waiting room was completely cleared out and it was the two of us.

"I don't know hockey injuries that well but how bad can this be?" I hesitantly whisper, my voice stuttering.

Murphy just shook his head and sighed, "People become paralyzed playing hockey, that's what could be happening to Bellamy right now."

Just as I was about to say something else, a nurse walked in and she was clearly coming to talk to us since we were the only ones in there. Murphy and I stood up in unison, preparing for what she had to say.

"I'm sorry you guys had to wait so long, we had to run many tests on your friend, Bellamy." She tells us, looking down and flipping through the papers on her clipboard.

"I-Is he going to be okay?" Murphy asks, trying to keep his words steady.

She flips another page and looks up to us, "The big thing we noticed was in his head, that's what we first look at when we get someone who got injured like he did. Nothing fatal was found but when he hit his head, it messed with his movement nerves."

I knew what Murphy was going to ask next, but I spoke for him so he didn't have to ask the question that neither of us wanted to ask, "Does that mean he won't be able to walk again?"

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