♛chapter three♛

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Clarke's POV

"Clarke get in! We've got places to go and people to see!" That was my best friend, Raven. She was sitting in her car in the driveway at my house. It was Saturday morning and we had plans to go out to get our nails done and go out to lunch.

Raven and I had known each other since fourth grade. Our moms knew each other from work and decided that they should introduce their daughters to each other. Hence, a friendship was born between Raven and I. In 6th grade, Raven's family moved to my town and she lived right down the street from me. We became closer than ever that summer and been going to school together ever since then.

She started to pull out of my driveway as soon as I was buckled up and we were off to the salon. On our way there, she kept talking about the last three days at school and all of her classes. I guess her Statistics teacher was insane, her Spanish teacher didn't know English and she hated everyone in her Physics class.

My classes weren't all that bad this year but I manage either way. I really like my chemistry class this year because Mr Jaha is one of the best teachers in the school and my partner for the year is someone I actually like.

His name is Bellamy Blake. I have seen him around the hallways in middle school and high school but never talked to him before. Although, I definitely knew who he was, everyone did. He was the hockey star and was basically a prodigy. Everyone worshiped the ground he walked on and I never really was interested in talking to him. I always thought he'd be a jerk with a huge ego and would be plain old rude and selfish.

When I found out he was my partner, I knew I'd have to deal with him because I didn't want to say anything to Mr Jaha. I was also not expecting him to be someone in honors chemistry like he was all sports and didn't care at all about school.

He was different though. When we were talking, I came to find out that he was really nice and caring. Yes, sports was his thing and was ridiculously popular but he wasn't a stereotypical "jock" that I thought he would be.

Snap. Snap. "Hello? Earth to Clarke?" Raven said, waving and snapping her hand in front of me.

"Oh sorry, what were you saying?" I ask while shaking my head a bit. I must've been zoned out the entire time Raven was driving because when I look out the window, we're at the nail place.

Raven just chuckles, "We're here, I just thought I lost you there for a minute."

We walk into the salon and the woman at the front desk greets us. Raven has a gift card that she's using on the both of us so I let her do her thing and I go to pick out a color. I grab the color that Raven gets every single time for her and I pick out a maroon color.

We get sat next to each other and as the ladies start on our nails, and looks over to me.

"Are you still going to the party tonight?" She asks me but I'm pretty sure she knows what the answer already is.

I nod my head, "Yeah, I'm still planning on going."

"Good because you're not bailing out on me now," She pauses as the nail lady asks her about something, "Finn isn't coming with us though, he texted me earlier saying that he was catching a ride with Bellamy and Murphy and he'd meet up with us there."

"That's good because your back seat in the car is a mess, he'd have to end up sitting on trash." I joke with her.

As she's laughing, she hits my shoulder and ends up smudging the nail polish all over my shirt.

"Raven, you've got to be kidding!" I yell and we both start laughing like crazy.

Finn is my other best friend. I have known him way longer than Raven because we are next door neighbors. I basically see him everyday and our parents are also really good friends too. We've always been there for each other and been through thick and thin together. He gets along with Raven really well too which is great.

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